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Cleaning the main Reflector mirror

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Hi' What i like to know how often should a Main mirror in a Reflector be cleaned.I have had my Reflector for around 15 plus years can't see no dust on the mirror only 3 little dust specks on the mirror the rest of the surface looks clean.Should i try to remove the little bits of dust or leave them alone because they don't get in the way while viewing through the scope Thanks.Mark

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10 minutes ago, Taff said:

Hi' What i like to know how often should a Main mirror in a Reflector be cleaned.I have had my Reflector for around 15 plus years can't see no dust on the mirror only 3 little dust specks on the mirror the rest of the surface looks clean.Should i try to remove the little bits of dust or leave them alone because they don't get in the way while viewing through the scope Thanks.Mark

I would suggest leave them there for next 5 years...
As per my short experience, - small bits do not have any impact...

My garden is full of trees and the primary got quite dirty during 1 year, - I was even afraid to look at it... It looked very dusty plus, had some spots (similar to resin from the trees).

I do astrophotography, so I cleaned the mirror while flocking the tube. 

No extra, super improvement at all! :) 


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