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Finally got round to doing Tuesdays Tourist mode shots...


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Thanks Dave,

I dont know about busy but 2 hours sleep between 2.30 and 4.20 pm today since 4.30 am Friday morning means I am now ready for some ZZZzzzz's its raining and i have brought the kit in from the obs otherwise i'd be up every hour checking the skies...


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Thanks Richie,

These are really just quick looksees in thers of the time spent imaging on each (roughly 80 mins per target).

I use them to decide which targets are going to get an extended visit and also check framing center locations etc which I then store inthe Handset for future use.

I decided to process them up and "frame" them as I have so many images hanging round onthe HDD's here which I haven't bothered with anything other than the briefest processing.

I still have a few more to revist but have decide that everything pre the Megrez 72 can be archived away as its not anywhere close to the imaegs that the WO combo is producing...

Be nice to get the disk space back as well...


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A very productive week, Billy - the 8,002nd Orion Nebula does it for me!

Doesn't for me anymore Steve after seeing your splendid effort... I ahve a plan though ... once again your inspiring me to hopefully bigger and better things and I thak you for that...

I Can't believe what the modded canons capable of though and I am sure theres a lot more to come from it yet.

I'm playing with an LLRGB technique at the moment creating a pair of synthetic L channels form the RGB data before combining them back into the image.

I also have palns for furtehr extending and refining the HDR technique I have been palying with.. I might give that a go tomorrow .


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Thanks Martin,

Think I need to get a proper first order mask done rather than the floppy paepr one i'm using at the moment the stars need to be a bit smaller as when you zoom in they are showing a bright central spot surrounded by a dark ring and then a fairly wide bright ring...

Thing i'll give the California Nebula the respect it deserves (a few hours subs) next clear moonless night as it fits the FOV perfectly.


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