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Welcome back, old friend


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Was fully clouded over at 3 this morning, but have just taken a look outside again. Too late to set up, but the skies have (partially) cleared with a crescent moon hanging above and to the east of .... Orion. My first glimpse of him this year. Now I know the nights are going to start getting longer ...

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I've noticed from my vantage point Downunder that you're a bit of an early bird Demonperformer, usually the first one online.

Im also looking forward to viewing Orion, I've not seen it through my 12 inch Dob yet. So much to look forward to.

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When I spent some time below the equator the first thing I noticed in the night sky was Orion ... upside down!! I was told that saying it was upside down was a very parochial thing to say, but they could never explain how a sword hanging upwards from a belt was not something unnatural.

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What happens to the constellations on the equator?  I guess they must be on their sides - but which way?  I should be able to work it out using geometry - probably...

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I remember someone somewhere asking what's your favourite time of year for observation and I recall many people including myself responding - any time it's clear. A  clear night sky "in the hand" is always a big plus but it has to be said that seeing Orion rise in the sky does bring a certain warmth to the soul, as you say - like greeting an old friend. Long may it be so.

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