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Ultimate Overhead Carry On setup!

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Hi all,

Finally managed to complete my Grab & Go setup with the addition encoders added to the Vamo mount.  Flying to Yosemite next month for a spot of stargazing etc., smoke permitting.








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That's a fabulous looking scope and a fabulous over all set-up Clem. I'll not hold your flight to Yosemite against you even though it will add to atmospheric turbulence and poor seeing for the UK. You need to try out your travel set-up in the interest of science after all! ?

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9 minutes ago, mikeDnight said:

That's a fabulous looking scope and a fabulous over all set-up Clem. I'll not hold your flight to Yosemite against you even though it will add to atmospheric turbulence and poor seeing for the UK. You need to try out your travel set-up in the interest of science after all! ?

Thanks. Someone’s  gotta make the sacrifice Mike. ?

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13 minutes ago, GavStar said:

Lovely scope, hopefully mine will arrive in the next two months...really looking forward to getting it as the ultimate grab and go...

The contrast is the best in any refractor I’ve ever owned. Also, it’s very light and robust.  Good luck with yours when it finally arrives. 



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