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Frustrating Jupiter inthe best conditions this year!

Pete Presland

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Another Jupiter session, but the conditions were easily the best of the year so far! Obviously this is tempered by the fact Jupiter is slow and I have to play dodge the conifers ? 

A really frustrating week or so trying to get the best out this data, has resulted in this image. Not my best by any stretch.

The usual set up, C9.25, Asi290mm,RGB filters. 90 secs per channel captured, stacked 10% Some nice detail, but I still think I am lacking in resolution with the Asi290mm at the native focal length.

Stacked in A/S2, sharpened in CS2. Really struggled with Winjupos around the limb area, there is some annoying colours from the layers coming through.


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I can relate to the conifer problem, as they are a real pain & block my view due south for at least an hour or so when imaging!

FL issues with  the asi 290mm 2.9 ms & my skyris 236m 2.8 ms - equals a barlow nightmare doesn't it! ? when not enough native but to much when barlowed!

I use a 1.3 x with the meade giving me f13 at 0.15sq for Jupiter!

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