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I'm glad to hear you've changed your mind about selling up Astro_Baby, we all get down about the weather and lack of viewing opportunities at times. Just a thought but can you get roof access to your flats? i know the LP will be poor but a filter should cut out some and it might be a viable option for a quick hour or two's observing during cloud breaks rather than traveling to a darker site. :)


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Good on yer Mel, Mrs Bob and I would have missed you. Do you know throughout this thread I kept looking at my Orange C5, which wieghs nothing and lives in an old camera bag, I thought this little scope in one hand, a sturdy mount under the other arm, down the stairs into the yard and BINGO. Must have been sending these thought waves to you. The 4SE will be just the job for you.

Went out to me Obsy tonight, guess what, bands of cloud everywhere. As the Folks have said, its been a desperate year for observing but as the ever optimistic Ozzie's would say "she'l be right"

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Can I just say thanks to everyone on here for putting up with my hissy fit on this. Think the diet is getting me down a bit and coupled uo wth no views I think it all got too much for my stress levels especially as I am trying to quit smoking as well.

Its made me a bit - ahem - unstable

Anyway apologies and thank you SGL people for bearing with me.

Anyway new scope to look forward to on Tuesday so I'll let you all know what its like as there dont seem to be that may reviews of the 4se.

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Hi Mel,

I'm really glad to hear that you have decided keep your astro gear.

Good luck with the dieting and quitting smoking.

Oh and I almost forgot, congrats on getting into print, though I don't buy magazines so I won't see it myself.


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Good news Mel. It's right to take the views of your nearest and dearest into account. I remember talking to your partner at Salisbury and I could see she was trying very hard to be interested. You are lucky to have someone who will tolerate this hobby - many of us don't!

The SE scopes are great and so easy to set up and use. I started off with a 6SE (it's actually being sold by the guy I traded with at the moment, here on SGL) and I loved that scope. So much more straightforward than a scope on an EQ mount, plus it gave great views. I hope you have plenty of fun with yours.

Regards, Martin

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One of the things that make this site so enjoyable are the characters of the people here so I am very happy to read that you are staying with it Mel. I have a feeling that you are in for in for a pleasent surprise with the 4se, a well made, very capable and excellent scope. You know one of my favourite books (Turn Left at Orion) was written by a guy with a small telescope, something he could not have achieved had he not taken it with him and used it frequently. Given your analytical approach and literary skills with the guides you have written perhaps we can look forward to your first guide "book" :)



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Well after a lot of soul searching, nagging from people etc I have decided to stick around and not sell the kit just yet. Just when I had my eye on some new shoes too crybaby2.gif It was a tough call but......

Thank goodness! We need more women like you in astronomy!

I've had a pretty lame astronomy year as it happens, but it beats playing online computer games against 14 year old idiots. The way I think of it is astronomy is like fishing; it's an excuse to sit outside, with a nice view and get some peace and quiet whilst pondering the important questions in life, whilst listening some nice music on my iPod :)

Glad you're sticking around for a while longer.


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