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Heavy night in Leo and Virgo

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Following my successful observing sessions in California last weekend it was good to have a clear night to use my 12" Dob back home.

I made the decision to view the galaxies in Leo but more importantly those in Virgo. My route after leaving Denebola was to star hop to star 6, 11 , 24 (lovely double) and 27 taking in many NGCs and then down the Markarian chain. I used my 20mm Myriad but mainly the 13mm Ethos with the occasional use of the 9mm Myriad.

This is my nights viewing - NGC 2903, M65, M66, NGC 3628, M98, M99, NGC4298, NGC 4419, M100, NGC 4340, NGC 4350, NGC 4450, M85, NGC 4394, NGC 4651, NGC4710, NGC 4689, NGC 4654, NGC 4639, M84, NGC 4388, M86, N4438, NGC 4435, NGC 4461, NGC 4473, NG4477, NGC 4459, M88 and M91.

I finished the night viewing M13 + Propeller (9mm Myriad), NGC 6207 (same FOV), M4 (in 12x70 binos) and lastly Jupiter. 

Excellent night.


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Great haul there Mark :icon_biggrin:

Not quite so satisfying here compared to the previous night -- the good transparency did not really set in until the early hours - by which time I'd bought my 12" in so I finished with 70mm binoculars.

I'm enjoying Draco at the moment - lots to see there and very well placed for me. Leo and much of the Virgo "bowl" is hidden by the time it's properly dark here, unfortunately :rolleyes2:

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Big bag of galaxies there ! I find that galaxy rich region easy to get lost in in a telescope , but could count 16 galaxies in binoculars there a while back . 

I focused on Ursa Major and Draco last night here . The Whirlpool galaxy is directly overhead at the moment and I wanted to check if I could see faint spiral detail with averted vision again ... and it was clearer than the previous night - M102 , Cat`s Eye ( could see the central star again ) , Blinking nebula , Ring nebula ( no central star visible yet - probably due to low elevation ) M13 and that nearby NGC ... Oh , and a handful of doubles for good measure . 

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