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Sun HA 5th April (Disks + Proms)


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Notice today was forecast to be Sunny... Didn't start well!
First DROPPED (Frankenscope) ED80 --- mostly on Carpet? :eek:
Then "lost" Barlow Lens for about an hour (Had left it outside)! :p 
Despite the late start, managed to mostly beat eventual (high) clouds.

All "Combined" Disks + Proms, but BOTH from one "Disk" video (via ImPPG!).

Full Disk via standard Lunt50:


Rest via the ED80/Lunt50 Frankenscope... 2x Barlow... Giving f=1200mm approx. 

The "Central Thing" (whatever it is!): :D


The Brighter Proms:


The Fainter Proms:


Happier Now! But, like ALL of my scopes the "pure" ED80 has now joined the ranks 
of ALL the rest -- Variously "sullied" in some way! lol. But it still works? (I Think?!?) :p

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Heheh. I can relate? Neighbour is engaged in constant revamp of back garden. 
Somehow I "agreed" to share costs of a new fence?!? He "staked his claim" by
immediately digging some post-holes... Slightly further onto my side of course!
Everything (holes) now full water... They're on holiday for 4 weeks! Ah well. :D

They're OK tho. I have built a long list of "favours" I may someday redeem. :evil4:

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Thanks, Charl. A lovely day for a walk too. (I get around to LIFE sometimes. lol).
What's this I see, STORMS on the horizon? Flood warnings? Thing upon things! :D 
I think we might be safer in the "West"... for a change! But "Sunny Skies, to ya.

Interesting Jet-Stream activity folks? I do notice, at "higher magnifications" the 
image can pop in and out of focus quite significantly! Now picking from multiple
(short) videos... for the best "quality"?!?!? "So many settings... So little time"! :laugh2:

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