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Random Luna stuff from 28-3-2018


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For somebody who does not do the moon things went a bit mad last night, over 120GB of data gathered with the C11 and the Chameleon.


Click through for full res.

























and not forgetting the terrible Jupiter image through the boiling atmosphere.


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Nice images Ibbo.

The first image is where I was looking when I opened my topic in Lunar Observing Bright smudge NW of Sinus Iridium (I think)-

23 hours ago, Swoop1 said:

At 22:15 BST  this evening I was taking a tour of the terminator and, as I was studying the vicinity of what I think was Sinus Iridium I saw a very bright smudge to its North West. I managed quite sharp focus on the crater edges but the bright smudge woukd not resolve.

Studying my lunar map I beleieve the smudge was either on the edge of Foucault or Hacpalus (Foucault if Hacpalus was disected by the terminator).

I have no idea what I was looking at but, it looked almost like ejecta catching the sun as it settled back to the lunar surface.

Madness I know but.........

The largest crater just off the rim of Sinus Iridium- the one closest to the top of the image- 5 o,clock of that is a smaller crater, quite close. 5 o'clock of that crater and about 2.5- 3 times as far away is another, slightly larger crater. Close to and about 4 O'clock of that crater is a bright, elongated smudge. It looked last night like a dust cloud as I couldn't resolve it. Studyong your image, it now looks like severl bright points, probably where the sun i hitting ridge tops etc.


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Great closeups! 120GB of data! thats a huge amount of info, do AP cams usually output gigantic amounts of data? im guessing its because they're shooting many frames per sec so just a 20 sec video amounts to who knows how many pics.

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6 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Great closeups! 120GB of data! thats a huge amount of info, do AP cams usually output gigantic amounts of data? im guessing its because they're shooting many frames per sec so just a 20 sec video amounts to who knows how many pics.

2000 frames in about 37 secs just over 6gb/run. I did 19 and dumped a few of them due to cloud or focus issues.

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