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telescope for lunar imaging

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I currently own and use a WO FLT 132 for lunar imaging. I'm very happy with it. It performs really well. Check out some images on my website.

However it is and stays a 132mm scope. So it is limited in terms of resolution. For that reason I'm checking for the options to upgrade in the future. The main criterium is a significant improvement of resolution without sacrifice of optical quality. The telescope will be strictly used for lunar imaging. Nothing else.

The telescope will be permanently installed in my observatory on Paramount MX. Preferably together with the FLT132. 

Thanks for all advise.


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Current camera I have is a QHY163. For the new telescope a similar cmos camera possibly with a smaller chip will be used.

As to budget I have not set on that. I'm willing to pay for good equipment. Cost is less important than quality. It's also not like i'm in a real hurry either so i can wait and save up some more if it is worth the upgrade in terms of size and quality.

Kind regards,


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