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The ongoing deluge continues in my neck of the woods so, instead of enjoying the lack of a moon, I’ve scanned my first sketch, made this past October: Open Cluster IC 4996, in Cygnus. I’ve got a long way to go, especially with getting the scale right, but I definitely enjoy the almost Zen like state of focus that I fall into while spending 30+ minutes on one DSO. It’s also made me spend more time on each object while not sketching; its incredible the details that pop out after 15+ minutes, even in light polluted skies.


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Thanks, Rune! Practice is helping immensely. My first sketches were mainly just doubles for the AL Double Observing program; seeing other sketches online inspired me to try other objects. I think it will be a long, long time before I can match some the work i’ve seen here on the forums; talented folks, indeed!!!

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