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6 Feb - Big Dob enjoys a frozen 60s night


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Date: Tuesday 6th February 2000-0100am        Scope: 20” f3.6 Lukehurst Dob with Paracorr (fl = 2089mm)


 “Something in the Air”

Last week, I downloaded “Now That’s What I Call 60s” which I have played a few times since! I decided to dedicate last night’s report to some of the great music contained on that album.

The sky was clear and black. The Milky Way was easily seen. M33 was visible with averted but it seemed that the conditions were not at their best. Still, it’s only 8pm…


“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”

I had done my preparation during the day (1) charged the ipad (2) positioned the dob to the back of the shed. Separated the ethos 10mm into my “warm” box so I could fetch it out for part2 when the cold had reached the eyepiece parts that shouldn’t be reached.

I got the scope unwrapped & collimated. Attached my 2” eyepiece heater tape and set the secondary heater on low. Then went to push back the shed roof… Frozen shut!

I pushed and I pulled and I pushed and I pulled…

Eventually after about 20 iterations the roof was fully open and I locked it down. I had worked up a real sweat and all my layers were unzipped and hat thrown off!


“Good Vibrations”

Had to start in Orion as it won’t be long until its too far west and gone for another year :( 

Flame – Starting off with a trip to Alnitak. I loaded the ethos 13mm (x150) and the Astronomik Hb filter. The flame was a sort of large upturned leaf shape or umbrella maybe? Having seen it as a nice three pronged cactus in the recent past, it was another sign that the conditions were sub-par. With the UHC the shape and edges became better defined. I did not push the magnification higher.


“Do You Want to Know a Secret”

Horsehead – I headed over the the HH. With the E13/Hb combo, the HH was an easy to see dark patch embedded within a thick lane of nebulosity which was also easily seen. :) I swapped to the UHC and the HH was much fainter but still easily found (it helps when you know where it is and what to look for!)


“Oh, Pretty Woman”

M78 – Having had a decent session on M78 last time out, a revisit was in order. This was always a poor target in the C11 but big dob seems to bring it to life. Tonight I saw the usual nebula patch surrounding two bright stars but it was so much more… The nebula moved up, left and then trailed back down the left side (a bit like a comma) to a bright star underneath. :)


“Leader of the Pack”

Rosette – Back to the Ethos21 & UHC. The nebula showed wonderful texture with black veins structures running within in all directions. It covers a huge area and even with the E21 (x100) plenty of panning and nudging is needed to get around the whole thing. The cluster in the centre was sparkly against a lovely black background. I stayed a while… :)


“I Can’t Help Myself”

M42 – When in Orion you just have to drop in on M42 (and the baby bird!). E21 & UHC. The bird head was looking sharp and showed nice folds of texture. There were only a few stars to be seen within the structure (probably the fewest I have seen on my visits this season). I got 5 in the trapezium in an unfiltered view. (See my previous posts from November to see details of all the stars that are there on a good night)


“Ring of Fire”

I set Sky Safari to highlight some planetary nebulas and nudged my way around those in range of the big dob. The highlights…

Eskimo pneb – Ethos 6mm (x350) unfiltered. The centre star was seen surrounded by a thin circle of dust all around. I tried the Ethos 8mm (x250) but the circle was not as clear. A great target :)

NGC1501 pneb – In the E6 it was a big object. The centre star was there and a lovely thick shadowy halo surrounded it. There was a nice black inner area. Another winner :) 


“Feeling Good”

Cone - I first tried using ethos21 and Hb filter and had the "usual" experience of seeing the nebula, getting my eye in, moving up to the cone and letting it drift across the view. The bottom and right edges of the cone were pretty sharp, the left side did not come. A pretty recurring theme!

However, for some reason I decided to try unfiltered? And this is where it got interesting... The huge surrounding nebula was so easy to see, its edges were clear as day. I panned around and was amazed at how easy it was to see the nebula. I forgot to head for the cone straight off! Anyway, I centred up the cone and as I was doing so, an unmistakable small dark notch was showing in the FOV (unbelievable). It was not triangle shaped more of a black oblong patch but there it was in direct vision. :) 

You only seemed to get the edges with the Hb, unfiltered gave a black notch.

I did a double check by trying the flame and horse head with the same combo (e21 unfiltered), the flame was easily seen (but not the full 3 pronged cactus) and I even saw glimpses of the horse head too ( only because I know where it is and how best to find it, it was glimpses of some blackness within the notch area (rather than the full black notch shape) but it was detectable unfiltered! :) 


“Nights of White Satin”

Medusa – E21 & Astronomik O3 loaded. The nebula appeared as a large ghostly curved patch. It was much bigger in the E21 fov than I was expecting. It was a tricky object and hard to pin down. I tried the E13 but it was too much magnification and dropped back to the E21 (x100). :) 


“Can’t Take my Eyes Off You”

Moving onto galaxies now as Leo was moving into a more favourable position… A quick trip inside to collect the "warm" Ethos 10mm (x200).

NGC2683 – A very nice edge on galaxy. It was very long and framed nicely at x200. It had a large bright core. One for a return visit on a better night…

NGC2903 – Another wowser galaxy. E10. Lovely bright core with dark areas above and below. A definite sense of spiral arms was there. Another one for a return visit on a better night…


“Unchained Melody”

I came across a few nice “multiples” (more than 1 galaxy in the same fov)

NGC2964+2968+2970 – Three galaxies, all different.  A small oval, a smaller oval and a faint patch. Nice. :)

M105+3371+3373 – I guess the surprise here was the way M105 was usurped by the large ghostly shape of NGC3373. It seemed to dominate the threesome! The other two were brighter and rounder with bright cores but it was 3373 that caught my attention.

M106+4248+4232 – M106 had a big bright core. The surrounding disk had shading and black areas (indicating arms), definitely more to give on a better night! Two companions were also in the fov (4248 & 4232). 4232 appears to be two galaxies but I did not notice it as a double, just one faint patch.


“Suspicious Minds”

M96 – In the E10 it appeared as a large circular side on galaxy. Black patches were observed showing potential arm separation. It had a bright core.

M95 – Again, a bright core with less surrounding gas than M96. Black patches were observed once again showing potential arm separation.

M65 – E10. A big, long & thin side on galaxy. It had a bright core and a surrounding disk. I could see blackness lines down both sides.

M66 – Smaller and rounder core than M65. Blackness was seen suggesting arms to be seen (on another night).


“Wild Thing”

NGC3628 – It appeared as a very long faintish edge on galaxy. I spent some time with it as it was a nice surprise. Looking at images this morning suggests a black centre lane is there. I did not see it but one for a definite revisit on another day!


“Everlasting Love”

I did bag a few other galaxies but I have given a flavour of what I saw already in the comments above. Galaxy season is upon us and it could be my everlasting love!


 “The House of the Rising Moon (Sun)"

I did keep checking the East for the rising moon but thankfully it did not come to spoil my fun. I was driven inside by cold hands which were causing me to lack the concentration needed for decent observing. It had been a good night so no point overdoing it.

At least the roof closed without any friction :). The shed thermometer was showing  -7.

Inside a hot water bottle was calling me

Clear Skies, Alan

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Great report in clear and cold conditions and yes nice theme. Interesting account concerning the Cone and associated nebulosity, with and without filter. Perhaps as Gerry has also been implying, approaching challenging nebula without a filter as well as with, may determine a new visual perspective. Perhaps also helps as you mention if you are already becoming accustomed to the observation. Good point about time running out for observing within Orion, was hoping for a dark sky trip this weekend, for that very reason, but forecast is for sleet and rain. However at least you got to visit 'A Horse With No Name' one more time.

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