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Delight and Disappointment using 12" + 5" Newts

Mark at Beaufort

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Last night really looked to be an excellent observing night so I set up the 12" Dob and the Heritage 130P.

First target was the Veil and using the 20mm Myraid and a Castell O-III I was not disappointed. Over to M33 and then the galaxy NGC 772 in Aries. There has been discussion about the Merope Nebula in M45 and whether it can be seen in a 5" Newt. Well with the 20mm Myraid in the 12" you could certainly see it, but I failed in the Heritage.

Moved up to Andromeda and had nice detail of M31, M32 and M110. From experience I know that NGC 891 can sometimes be difficult, so I placed the 25mm Fujiyama Ortho in the 12"and had a very nice view of this edge on galaxy. Although I also tried a 24mm ES68 and the 13mm Ethos I just preferred the general view of the ortho.

Next the California Neb placing a H.Beta filter into the 24mm ES68 I could move along the Neb seeing the brighter areas although not getting a whole picture as previously seen in my 15x70 binos.

Now for M1 which I know can be a disappointment - well not in the 12" with a 13mm Ethos last night. Thought I would also grab a few Messiers before trying to see the Horse Head. Viewed M36, M37 and M38.

Now the turn of Orion. Using the 20mm Myriad I first placed a UHC then followed this by an O-III. Excellent detail in M42 and M43 plus NGC 1977. Change of EP to view the Trapezium - well despite several changes of EPs I could not detect E and F. Moved up to Alnitak and replaced EP with the Fujiyama 25mm ortho and yes detail in the Flame Nebula. Now the big challenge viewing the HH. I have seen the HH before so still using the Fujiyama I placed a H.Beta filter to give me a smaller FOV. Well all the stars were there but using averted viewing I could not see the HH or to be honest not any detail of IC434. Feeling a bit frustrated decided I would have a go at a few double stars starting with 66 and 62 Eridanus the latter having a nice white/blue combination. Now Rigel - this was nicely split using the TeleVue 8-24 zoom with Baader 2.25X so feeling confident over to Sirius - well again disappointment. I moved Sirius beyond the field stop and although I could see a faint star I think the distance was too much for the 'Pup'. So one last double and that was the triple Beta Monoceros.

I decide to end my observing with M47, M46 with NGC 2438 and finally NGC 2359 (Thor's Helmet) which are a delight using an O-III filter in the 20mm Myraid and 13mm Ethos.

So that was a fair few number of hours.

Sorry I missed Gemini and I viewed the Eskimo, M35 and NGC 2174 the Monkey Head Neb this with an O-III filter. I also put in an Astronomik O-III in the 24mm ES68 and viewed the Monkey Head in the Heritage 130P which gave a good view of the Neb.


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Excellent report Mark - ups and downs - thats how it goes sometimes !

I generally try and end the session on an "up" and last nights for me was Messier 82 at 265x (Ethos 6mm) which was really superb with the 12" dob :icon_biggrin:

I didn't manage Sirus B either as it happens :rolleyes2:


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Great session Mark. I thought from the title that perhaps the 130P had cracked the Horsehead ahead of the 12" ;);) 

It's certainly a very tough target which needs everything to be aligned to get it by all accounts. Perhaps surprising that the Flame looked good but not luck? I can claim to have seen it myself, but only via the witchcraft that is Gavin's NV gear and the small matter of one of the finest fracs around!

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