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iPhone Moon 24th November 2017


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Nice out there tonight, playing around with binoviewers on the moon. Tried a x2.6 GPC giving me, I think, about x150 which worked well, although without it at lower power the whole moon plus lovely earthshine were framed beautifully.

Also caught a mag -6.5 Iridium flare whilst out, picked it up quite a while before it flared which was cool.

This is just my normal iPhone shot through one channel of the binoviewers with a little process on the phone. Didn't manage to catch the earthshine but otherwise it's not bad.


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Nice, is the background a bit noisy or is it my laptop screen, not used this lappy for a good while.

All day its been clear, bright and sunny, so i was thinking great do some Lunar imaging, as i left work the sky darkened and ten mins after getting it it was snowing!! 

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2 minutes ago, nightfisher said:

Nice, is the background a bit noisy or is it my laptop screen, not used this lappy for a good while.

Quite possibly Jules. Just done on my phone so it's hard to know how it comes out on larger displays.

It does feel cold out there so 'sno surprise ;) 

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