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FREE PROGRAM - A program that shows REAL TIME locations of stars and planets!

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I seriously recommend EVERY beginner or experienced astronomer download this program. It shows where planets, constellations, nebulae and even when meteor showers will grace the earth and MUCH more! You just go on multimap or another simmilar program, find your grid reference (longditude and latitude) and type them in, the time and date will automatically be set, then just set your location and away you go! Either leave it running in real time to watch when things rise, or fast forward to see what date and time objects are going to be seen in the night sky! I downloaded this the other day and it helped me find jupiter and to understand the rotation of the earth and other objects in space including why the moon takes so long to rise this time of year!!! lol

I really do recommend this to anyone and its amazing how much data is available in a free program! Happy stargazing! :smiley:

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I kinda agree that Stellarium is good for the beginner but.....

I couldn't agree more with Blinky, in my opinion there are far better programs out there. I believe that Stellarium is pretty much just for show, it has no core detail, just good effects.

I would go for Stary Night, TheSkySix, Voyager 4.5 or Cartes Du Ciel.

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Stellarium is great and you can find things in the sky and hunt for stuff, but it lacks object details - like size, rise times etc etc.

It does use A LOT of processor power, Starry night is much less resource hungry.

But SN costs money, stellarium is free.


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Stellarium still remains my favourite when it comes to looking at the starry night in full screen to have a quick overview about what's hovering above, and it even runs on an ancient PIII laptop, slooooow but it runs. Considering the cloudy nights we've been experiencing for the past months, Stellarium is a pleasant alternative, albeit virtual :smiley:

Starry Night, I have version 5 & 6, has a lot of bells and wistles but it freezes in places.

Carte du Ciel comes in very handy with its extensive database of coordinates.

I look forward to Stellarium 10.

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I have used Stellarium for some time and have never had a problem with it on either laptop, old and new. One of these days I might get around to splashing out £100 on Starry Night, but I need to be convnced of the advantages.

I've also tried Cartes du Ciel, Meade Autostar Suit and Redshift 6, but Stellarium still gets used the most.

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