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Viewing Total Solar Eclipse 2020 on a budget.


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I was contemplating a once in a lifetime trip to see the Total Eclipse at Christmas time 2020 in South America.

Looking at Google hits  for tours and cruises for this sort of event, the prices are way too high (like $5k each) for me to contemplate. But I am sure there are cheaper ways to get to see the eclipse and I reckoned that several (many?) SGL members must have travelled to see one or even could be planning for 2020. Is there a budget way to do it that would provide just a little bit more help than booking flights and accommodation yourself? What does the Astronomy Mafia do about it?

The 2019 packages are all pretty well booked up but I read that the probability of suitable weather is much higher where and when it happens in 2020. Any opinions on that too?

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The one and only eclipse that I have seen was in Cairns, so I basically flew up the day before, slept in the rental car and the following morning setup for the eclipse before it happened... that was my budget procedure.... that made it more financially viable since it was in the same country and not too far away from home... that said tho.. it is a event that is worth spending some extras money on...

There will be a eclipse in Sydney in July 2028... so if you can't get accommodation or tickets for the 2019/2020 eclipse, perhaps plan for the Sydney event.

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Are you particularly wanting to see a total eclipse in South America (once in a lifetime trip), or just wanting to see a total solar eclipse?  The terrain in that part of South America east of the Andes is pretty much desert. The Argentinian coast from Viedma to about 30 miles south of Las Grutas might be the only decent area in Argentina to view. West of the Andes is a bit greener and more populated, although that's a relative term. Only three cities of note in Chile in the path of totality: Temuco, at the northern edge of the path, about 262,000 population. More in the path center are Nueva Imperial, population 29K, and Petrufquen, population 21K. My choice would be somewhere near one of those cities, or along the Chilean coast from Isla Mocha to Nueva Tolten.

If you want more viewing options for a total eclipse, why not wait to 2024 and come to the States? Longer period of totality, much, much longer path to choose a site from.  And English is (sort of) our first language.

I was only a 2 hour drive from the path of totality back in August; I'll have to drive about a day to get to the one in 2024, but I plan to be somewhere in the path. Took these shots through a C6 back in August.

solar eclipse 8-2017 mid point to totality.jpg

solar eclipse 8-17 totality late.jpg

Edited by Luna-tic
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Thanks for the replies. Fact is that I am getting older and I can't be sure that I won't be infirm if I wait too long. Sob sob.

By 2028, I may have no idea who I am or where I am. lol So I want it to be fairly soon. Patagonia has serious appeal, though. It's well off the beaten track. 

It's a bit of sods law, really. I missed totality in Paris a few years ago as the family delayed our car trip. I was really grumpy!!! This year in the States just couldn't have worked - etc etc. I may have missed the boat but the consolation is that there are so many fab things to see from my back garden.


Lovely shots of the Solar Eclipse, BTW :happy7:

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12 hours ago, sophiecentaur said:

Thanks for the replies. Fact is that I am getting older and I can't be sure that I won't be infirm if I wait too long. Sob sob.

By 2028, I may have no idea who I am or where I am. lol So I want it to be fairly soon. Patagonia has serious appeal, though. It's well off the beaten track. Lovely shots of the Solar Eclipse, BTW :happy7:

I thought that might be the case. I'm getting there, too. I'll be 70 in 2024, hope I'm not blind, or worse, by then. Maybe the old-folks' home will have an excursion so I can go see it (2024 eclipse). Maybe I can design a clamp to mount my telescope to my walker for the occasion.

Patagonia that far south is so far off the beaten track you can barely see it from there. Never been there myself, but from looking at Google Earth, it's just one step removed from the Moon. My daughter has been to that part of the world (works on a cruise ship), she says that southern Chile is nice, at least the areas along the coast she's seen, but southern Argentina is pretty desolate.

Certainly it would be an adventure to go there, eclipse or no. Hope you can work it out. Here's a couple more shots I made, to further whet your appetite:

solar eclipse 8-2017 Bailey's Beads at 2nd Contact (2).jpg

Solar Eclipse 8-2017 Diamond Ring.jpg

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8 hours ago, Luna-tic said:

I'll be 70 in 2024,

You are a mere slip of a lad. I will be 79 by then. So that's why Argentina / Chile 2020 is so attractive. 

I guess my best bet will be to try to establish contact with Argentinian Amateur Astronomers and find out what they're planning. There seems to be just one main road running through the 'zone' and I an imagine it will be littered with camper vans and the like. The good news is that a return flight London - Buenos Aires is only about £1k at today's prices. 

I don't actually need a 'carer' yet but anyone who is interested in joining my solitary expedition could get in touch and we could have preliminary discussions about combining resources / map reading and fighting off bandits. 

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  • 1 year later...

We too are looking to travel to Argentina/Chile for the December 2020 total solar eclipse.  Packages are not our preference.  We're trying to figure out logistics (airport, rental vehicle, hotel vs. camping, etc.) for a trip that won't leave us broke.  We won't be toting a lot of equipment - so camping might be the better option.   

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Here's an interactive mapping tool of that eclipse for devout eclipse chasers http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/solar_eclipses/TSE_2020_GoogleMapFull.html?Lat=-40.11519&Lng=-76.34272&Zoom=5&LC=1  It gives information on the circumstances for any  point you click on the map.

I don't think I'll be travelling to South America for that one!

Here is the index of of other events: http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/SolarEclipsesGoogleMaps.html



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We're booked to go to this year's eclipse (our 7th). Site is near Belle Vista, San Juan province Argentina on the eastern slopes of the Andes. Anyone booked to be there? Would be nice to meet!

Not sure yet what to do for next year's but looks like being there again...all a matter of saving up for it!

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  • 1 month later...

I had planned to try and see this years eclipse but couldn’t afford it. In 2017 I did hire a car for my holiday but booked with an organised trip for the time of the eclipse as it was good to be with a group and they scouted a great location For 2020 and/or2024 I will probably do the same again. Chile is fantastic but the roads can be a bit hit and miss. 

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  • 9 months later...
On 10/02/2019 at 07:16, Sambolino said:

We too are looking to travel to Argentina/Chile for the December 2020 total solar eclipse.  Packages are not our preference.  We're trying to figure out logistics (airport, rental vehicle, hotel vs. camping, etc.) for a trip that won't leave us broke.  We won't be toting a lot of equipment - so camping might be the better option.   


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Hi Simbolino,

Have you decided to go to Chile In December for the eclipse? My friend and I are going and would like to meet people from this forum while we are there. We will be staying a little outside of Pucon and are thinking of hosting a small “eclipse party”.

Let us us know if you are interested in meeting while in Chile!


510. 851. 2966 mobile 

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  • 2 months later...

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