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M33 Triangulum Galaxy


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Hi all!


Last nights imaging session yielded about 39 usable subs of 300s of M33.  I struggling to get colour balance, any suggestions?

[The camera grazed the pier causing the adpator to rotate every so slightly during imaging, so the last five subs are quite funky looking.  Nice colour visible in the stars though in that image.]



Thanks for looking!




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Well, you have some nice colour in the galaxy, it took me about 4 weeks to work out how to get any, finally made progress by calibrating and stacking in APP, then processing in Startools and PS.

I have seen the sepia hue with sodium light pollution, is that a problem in your location?

I think the second image is great, it's like 'Let's take a ride through a Wormhole to the Triangulum Galaxy'

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3 hours ago, tomato said:

Well, you have some nice colour in the galaxy, it took me about 4 weeks to work out how to get any, finally made progress by calibrating and stacking in APP, then processing in Startools and PS.

I have seen the sepia hue with sodium light pollution, is that a problem in your location?

I think the second image is great, it's like 'Let's take a ride through a Wormhole to the Triangulum Galaxy'


Thanks! I thought that I didnt have a LP problem, and certainly I'm well away from street lights.  My nearest street lights would be 2 miles away, and those are hidden behind hills, with the other main ones that I can see directly are approx 5 miles away in the nearest town.  I was imaging in that direction though, and the camera is modded, so I suspect that I'm picking up more red, and not processing it properly.  I have a CLS insert filter, so I think I might start using it again.

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Nice image.

The colour can come from light pollution. If your weather is similar to here with higher than normal temperature and lots of humidity, you can have light from a distant city being spread by the moisture in the air. Once you have winter conditions with dry air, you should see an improvement towards lower lp.

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6 hours ago, wimvb said:

Nice image.

The colour can come from light pollution. If your weather is similar to here with higher than normal temperature and lots of humidity, you can have light from a distant city being spread by the moisture in the air. Once you have winter conditions with dry air, you should see an improvement towards lower lp.

Thanks Wim. The was a LOT of dew both mornings I was out, looked like it was raining, and relative to my are I'm quite high above sea level. Next clear evening I'll pop in my LP filter and see what it looks like. 

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