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Velpecula - Brocchi's open star cluster (Cr399)


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Hello, I am back with this sketch, the Brocchi's open star cluster in Velpecula.

It was  my second observation of this object and it's a nice cluster, not very dense  (maybe 40, 50 visible stars total at the eyepiece)  but it has a few very bright stars has shown in my sketch attempt. The cluster was at an interesting height in the sky and my 200x1000 newtonian with my 32mm eyepiece were used to observe and log it with this sketch..

My observation!




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Well what an amazing coincidence, I was looking with my Helios apollo 15x70s last night and was looking near the vulpecula / Cygnus border and came across this bright collection of stars just as you have drawn it. I had never seen it before and couldn't find it on my star maps so was puzzled, it was so bright and obvious I was surprised I couldn't find any info. Anyway, now I know exactly what it is and I'll look it up again ??. Thanks for sharing and helping me identify what I saw, much appreciated and great sketch by the way.

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15 hours ago, DavidJM said:

Great sketch, one of my favourite clusters, had a decent view of it myself last night between clouds using my 100mm with a zoom eyepiece at 24mm

Thanks glad you like it, I bet you had a great time! It's close to many other things too, great spot in the sky.

6 hours ago, Trikeflyer said:

Well what an amazing coincidence, I was looking with my Helios apollo 15x70s last night and was looking near the vulpecula / Cygnus border and came across this bright collection of stars just as you have drawn it. I had never seen it before and couldn't find it on my star maps so was puzzled, it was so bright and obvious I was surprised I couldn't find any info. Anyway, now I know exactly what it is and I'll look it up again ??. Thanks for sharing and helping me identify what I saw, much appreciated and great sketch by the way.

I noticed that, there seems to be an identification  issue with this cluster. Inside the Double star atlas from Wil Tirion (2nd edition), it's there and they call it Cr399 has well has Brocchi's cluster but both these name can't be located in my Stellarium. It's funny because there is another small cluster called NGC 6802 almost in the same FOV and I didn't see it at the eyepiece last night. NGC 6802 is not registered in the double star atlas but it's there in Stellarium.

glad you liked the sketch too.


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20 hours ago, Mr niall said:

Very cool - how confident are you with the star placement? I've only just started out sketching and am finding it a total nightmare!

I put good efforts on that specific task, doing the best I can.  I double and triple check each of them to make sure it makes sense. Usually the sketch match well with what I see in the eyepiece and it's somewhat good compare to Stellarium but never perfect against stellarium.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking at this last Sunday night.  Your sketch looks darn good to me!  I haven't done any sketching yet, as I am new to astronomy and just got my first scope.  Did you do a pencil sketch on white paper and then just display a negative image of your sketch to make the stars appear white on black?  Whatever the case, the effect is great and it looks nice!  It makes me want to try my hand at it.

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Thanks @Hayduke27 Yes it's a great open cluster, not to hard to sketch because it has not too many faint stars. Although my sketch was done from my home with light pollution so i would be harder elsewhere with a better sky I guess.

Yes the sketch was done with lead pencil on white regular paper than in GIMP I use color inversion (along with Level and Curve adjustment). It's a rewarding activity to sketch it makes the log book far more interesting too.

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