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Cracking proms! 6th August


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The seeing is a bit hit and miss, but the first thing I saw in the PST mod was a lovely looping prom at around 6 0'clock, which seemed to be changing quite quickly, particularly at the dimmer end.

Plenty of other lovely proms around too, plus of course the now named Whirlpool AR. It's not often that (to my eye anyway) features in white light and Ha match up so obviously, but the umbral and penumbras regions in this AR seem to do just that. Lovely swirling detail surrounding it too, I just needed to stop chasing the focus and wait for the seeing to come to me!

In white light, there is a tiny dark spot which has separated from the main umbral area but still within the penumbra. Lovely petal like structure to the penumbra and detail around the umbra. Managed up to x150, great when the seeing was there.

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Nice one Stu ?

I haven't been awake that long after my late one last night, but I will definitely get up in a minute and take the scope back out, it's a bit hazy but I'm sure it will get better.

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Nice report Stu, good to see another human up early on a sunday, i cant do astro at the moment as mount in bit for pier and no solar scope, so i have been out and run a couple of lipo`s through the big 600 quad. Need to think about getting a cheap small frac for a bit of white light, one that will fit on the AZ synscan, though i still have the EQ5 , much as i like Maksutov`s i dont rate them for solar

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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

Good heads up Stu, just had a quick look before my boiled egg and soldiers, the prom at around 2 O'clock  looks like a prehistoric bird :)


I agree! I thought pelican to start with but your suggestion is much better!

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1 hour ago, nightfisher said:

good to see another human up early on a sunday

Having a 3 year old helps Jules! Having said that, I intended to get up early to catch the clear skies that were forecast. For once it was correct. Clouding over a bit now, need to have another look if/when I t clears.

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Great report Stu! :)

Is h-alpha generally better in the morning, midday or sunset? I guess it obviously depends on the seeing, but I was wondering whether there are differences in colours.

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2 hours ago, Piero said:

Great report Stu! :)

Is h-alpha generally better in the morning, midday or sunset? I guess it obviously depends on the seeing, but I was wondering whether there are differences in colours.

I'm not sure there is any hard and fast rule Piero. I see plenty of comments that seeing is generally better in the early morning before the convection currents build up. I've also found that in the evening things calm down a bit. Haven't particularly noticed colour differences. One problem is irregular viewing though, it is hard to build up a consistent picture of what is normal!

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