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Finally, some clear skies tonight.


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Nice set up ready to roll... Enjoy!

I'm just procrastinating as to whether or not to visit my girlfriend and set up in her garden for later... maybe look for some colourful doubles or triples up there in my 102 :-0  

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Well.... I had clear skies... Until it started to get 'Dark'. 

Managed to basically polar align and line up the new Telrad before the cloud rolled in. 

I did get to see ISS buzz over... Which is always nice. But my favourite viewing of the evening, was the last 'star' I could see, just over the horizon. So, I thought I would just check out the Telrad accuracy one last time. Needless to say, when I looked down the 10mm EP I had in, I was happy to say the least, when the little star turned out to be saturn. Ha Never planned that one... And this is the actual first time I've seen it's rings, with my own equipment in my garden. So that was a lovely end to  cloudy night. 

Shame the cloud rolled in before the camera could get a shot. :( Maybe next time. 

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