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Tak FC-100 - a few questions :)

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Great solution from Mike. :)

Alternatively, you could make one from a cheap sleeping mat for camping. I made one for my TV60. It isn't elegant, but it does the job.

Otherwise, you can get one from FLO. I have one of these for my Dobson and the quality is very good.

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Thanx guys. I have limited tools at my disposal here, away from home, so I'm either going to take breaks or make some crude cardboard shield. I don't plan to observe a lot above 30 deg alt anyway. :evil:

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Pulled an all-nighter under 21.71 SQM-L skies...belive it or not. Clear skies on a moonless night...shocker.

FC 100 was spectacular. Not on galaxies, that was for C8, but later on planets in mediocre seeing it provided a better and (of course) prettier picture than C8 and Equinox 120 (although Tak had BBHS and C8 and Equinox had dielectric and prism respectively, which might have contributed to more scatter and color). But Tak always always gave impeccable contrast, and a view in Pan 24 of the Veil with Astronomik OIII was simply breathtaking...viewing it later in C8 was merely complimentary and not necessarily the 'main dish'. Did 160x on Jupiter with ease, and 212x on Saturn and Mars, Saturn was just a bit dimmer than in bigger apertures but the image was still nice. 160x might be its sweet spot, though.

Great scope. Ayo II and Berlebach UNI 18 are a fantastic match for its weight and length.

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:thumbsup: Superb report!  I've never observed under such a dark sky, so congratulations for having found an excellent spot! 


~160x for Jupiter and ~212x for Saturn / Mars... mm.. that's my thought too. That's why I'm pondering and pondering about the newcomer Vixen HR 3.3mm and a future HR 5mm... 

Said this, according to "One Eyepiece to rule them all, One Eyepiece to find them, One Eyepiece to bring them all and in the darkness bind them", for me that Eyepiece is and will probably remain the Zeiss zoom +/- VIP barlow!  :headbang:  

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Very likely...zoom and barlow. I have Baader combination, they are not on par with Tak quality but I wanted to use them just to see how varying exit pupil works in the scope. Will do that in the time to come. 3.3. might be too much other than for double stars, but do try. I feel 212x is maximum for me on planets...floaters would intrude.

Side by side, 4 inch Tak and 8 inch SCT under dark sky...what a portable combination. We swapped between the two until 5 am...sadly, my friends' 12 inch dob has not arrived yet. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, the Tak gives superb lunar views given the aperture of this telescope. I totally agree. I'm very looking forward to observing Jupiter and Saturn's features with this scope, the BBHS, and my zoom eyepiece. The HR 3.4mm should also offer interesting insights...! 

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Moon is always a bit higher for us, but waxing spring moon is a particular delight, high up above...and seeing is cooperating. 

I am not sure how much luck you will have with Jupiter and Saturn this year from your location, they are very low. Seeing has to be steady even here to have any luck. Jupiter skims just short of 30 degrees, Saturn lower. At least ADC is not that bad in a 4 inch scope...

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7 hours ago, John said:

Very nice setup Stu :icon_biggrin:

You are living dangerously with your Tak FC100 mounting arrangements though - just the 2 tube rings and a Vixen/Skywatcher DT bar ! :shocked::wink:

It's only a wee short DC. Good 2 rings spacing!


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Hello all,

Rather than start a new thread I hope everyone doesn't mind me asking a question on this one - after all it's related to the FC100 ;-)

I have an FC100DL (the new run) and would like to update the focuser with the feathertouch micro-pinion. Ian at Ian King imaging (who supplied the scope) tells me that these use the same 2.7" focuser as the DF, and indeed when I measure the drawtube that's the OD. Can anyone confirm that's correct? (i.e. this is what I need: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/specialist-focusers-borg-tele-vue-lunt-gso-rc/feathertouch-micro-pinion-for-takahashi-2-7-inch-focusers.html)


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Well that's what I thought as well, but I also seem to recall that the 2nd run was a little different to the first, and I cannot find what the 2.7" dimension refers to (other than being the size of my drawtube!). The Sky90 refers to a 2.5" drawtube.... so yeah, it's a tad confusing!

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On 14/04/2018 at 20:00, BGazing said:

Pulled an all-nighter under 21.71 SQM-L skies...belive it or not. Clear skies on a moonless night...shocker.

FC 100 was spectacular. Not on galaxies, that was for C8, but later on planets in mediocre seeing it provided a better and (of course) prettier picture than C8 and Equinox 120 (although Tak had BBHS and C8 and Equinox had dielectric and prism respectively, which might have contributed to more scatter and color). But Tak always always gave impeccable contrast, and a view in Pan 24 of the Veil with Astronomik OIII was simply breathtaking...viewing it later in C8 was merely complimentary and not necessarily the 'main dish'. Did 160x on Jupiter with ease, and 212x on Saturn and Mars, Saturn was just a bit dimmer than in bigger apertures but the image was still nice. 160x might be its sweet spot, though.

Great scope. Ayo II and Berlebach UNI 18 are a fantastic match for its weight and length.

Sounds wonderful! Nice report.

I was slightly cursing my luck this week when due to work issues we had to move our summer holiday to Menorca forward by two weeks - slap bang into brightest part of Moon cycle. First world problem, I know. But then just thought how great it will be to have Mars, Saturn, Jupiter (and even Venus and Uranus) decently positioned and the time to really enjoy them with my Tak FC-100DC. There will be a couple of days of dark skies at the end too so can't complain too much. And even an eclipse of the Moon in late July. 

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2 hours ago, AstroPhil said:

Well that's what I thought as well, but I also seem to recall that the 2nd run was a little different to the first, and I cannot find what the 2.7" dimension refers to (other than being the size of my drawtube!). The Sky90 refers to a 2.5" drawtube.... so yeah, it's a tad confusing!


I had a look at http://starlightinstruments.com for you, and found these texts: 


So, it could be that both can work with the FC100, although to be completely sure, I suggest you to drop an email to starlightinstruments.com directly. 

Said this, you could also consider the Takahashi MEF-3 micro-focuser. That would be a natural solution to me. Personally, I would either get the MEF-3 or replace the whole Tak focuser with an FT one. Microfocusing seems to be a personal thing though. So far I have not felt it necessary (so, no upgrade for me) in my DF, which is f7.4 and therefore more critical than your f9, even though the focusing adjustment is rather long in both these scopes. Might it be worth waiting for the planets to come out at a reasonable time to see how you find the default focuser? 

Just a comment.

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13 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

Sounds wonderful! Nice report.

I was slightly cursing my luck this week when due to work issues we had to move our summer holiday to Menorca forward by two weeks - slap bang into brightest part of Moon cycle. First world problem, I know. But then just thought how great it will be to have Mars, Saturn, Jupiter (and even Venus and Uranus) decently positioned and the time to really enjoy them with my Tak FC-100DC. There will be a couple of days of dark skies at the end too so can't complain too much. And even an eclipse of the Moon in late July. 

Yup, my summer holiday moved to July 21 - Aug 4, but I am not complaining, just in time for Mars opposition and I will have it (and the Saturn) 5 degrees higher than at home, at acceptable 30 degrees at merdian...but what to take? Tak on AyoII or C8 on Evolution? Packing the former is much easier and no thermals are to be taken into account, the later has tracking, bigger aperture and more magnification potentially, but is SCT on planets after all...

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My advice on a suitable FT focuser adaptation for the FC-100DL came from Ed Harrison of Harrison Telescopes. He had a personal FC-100DL at that time so I figured that he should know.


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4 hours ago, AstroPhil said:

Well that's what I thought as well, but I also seem to recall that the 2nd run was a little different to the first, and I cannot find what the 2.7" dimension refers to (other than being the size of my drawtube!). The Sky90 refers to a 2.5" drawtube.... so yeah, it's a tad confusing!

As Piero said, consider also Tak MEF microfocuser. I have installed it and I cannot fault it so far, I think it is a very worthy bit of kit and as precise as I need it to be.

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5 hours ago, AstroPhil said:

Well that's what I thought as well, but I also seem to recall that the 2nd run was a little different to the first, and I cannot find what the 2.7" dimension refers to (other than being the size of my drawtube!). The Sky90 refers to a 2.5" drawtube.... so yeah, it's a tad confusing!

I think only that the colour is different, 1st run had that nice satin black, 2nd the corporate mildew green - but no difference physically. Moonlite 2.7 inch focuser is an alternative, not sure about other makes - Baader Steeltrack might fit @FLOmight know.



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On 23/04/2018 at 23:40, Stu said:

Yep :)


Great. I think I will try this at some point on AYOII, it is rated 12kgs when using both clamps...yours is 9.25, correct?

Tripod on that photo...not feeling well even though it might be the mighty Gitzo...

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2 minutes ago, BGazing said:

Great. I think I will try this at some point on AYOII, it is rated 12kgs when using both clamps...

That tripod's legs must have been stronger than they look. 

Is AYOII the Swiss made mount (penknife red)?

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3 minutes ago, 25585 said:

That tripod's legs must have been stronger than they look. 

Is AYOII the Swiss made mount (penknife red)?

Yup. Made in black (Piero's), brass finish (that is what I have chosen) and red (seems to be the most popular color).

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