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New Focusing Aid


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wouldn't know where to start :hello2:

Laser cut ply save a lot of carpentry but boy was it a messy job......charcoal dust and glue took weeks to wear off my hands...

Mines going to be re-worked this year... now the locals are getting used to it... going to have a dorma style vieport added to give much wider FOV...ready for some other stupid ideas...


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wouldn't know where to start :D

Laser cut ply save a lot of carpentry but boy was it a messy job......charcoal dust and glue took weeks to wear off my hands...

Mines going to be re-worked this year... now the locals are getting used to it... going to have a dorma style vieport added to give much wider FOV...ready for some other stupid ideas...




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Turns Out that I am not going to get prices off the firm much before the end of next week as soon as I do I wil let people see a copy of the quote/invoice to see how much I will have paid for this first batch... I wont post this on open forum though as these prices are only for the people involved in trialing the first batch so there will be no "profit" whatsoever made on these...strictly cost price passed on...please keep this info "confidential".

At that point you can decide if they are "worth it". I have had to lay out quite a bit of "cash" to get tham out before crimbo although I havent had the bill from the engineerign firm yet and hopefully will have "30 days" to settle the invoice with them when i get it...



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I did talk about doing this a few months ago but things have been hectic trying to get the prototypes manufactured etc.

I am thinking of relocating and reorganising and renaming the template files that are currently located on some "transient" webspace - the btinternet one... unfortunately this will mean that all the links in the thread to date will become broken as the files will no longer exist in the old locations

I will leave them there as is until I have a new home sorted for them and then Post a new list which will hopefully make more sense and that will hopefully be easier for people who just happen to come across them to see whats been done already...

I'll also probably add a Descriptive text file to the webspace listing the files and details ..

Apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause...

Billy (Peter)

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Makes it a bit easier to find whast been done...

For those who havent looked from this link


you are at Manufacturer level (the Man_ is for future use) ... going up one level takes you to the scopes that I have done so far... the first three letters are scope type ( again for future use) some of the scopes have 1st and 3rd order masks done for them so they are in seperate directories if they exist...

Its all hopefully a bit more logical than the way they were organised and if (when) I add more designs they will be added to this new structure...

I am lookign for somwhere other than the www.btinternet.com space to host the files as that space will disappear if I change ISP's and infact I should have stopped using it years ago when it became btyahoo....

It still exists is "browseable" so for the moment I use it....


If the Mods agree can we post the new link somewhere to save people havign to read the whole thread to find masks...

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The old links to the masks will no longer work....god knows where you will end up - they bung me to my BT homepage...

Any changes and additions from now on will be from the new location...


Hopefully I'lll have prices for those which have already been sent out by the end of the week and will send the "bills" by PM to those who have had them...

Not sure if this will be a go'er long term... as we live in difficult times...


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I have had one of those days today Rob, went to do a bit of turning on the lathe only for the motor to die in a puff of smoke after a few minutes... :(

Fortunately between us we know a thing or two about motors so stripped the motor off the lathe had it in bits cleaned out the Rubbish... found the problem fixed it rebuilt it and eventually finished the 10 minute job which I started at 9.30 about 4.30pm....

SO I'm planning on a chill out evening...

No probs I'll knock the design up tomorrow and play with the figures to see what I can get out of them... try and cover the ranges you want in the minimum number of masks...


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I'm desperate to get final manufacturing prices as I want to let people decide if they are going to be worth the money... I also need to discuss how I am goign to handle low number production runs..as they usually cost more...

We panelising the designs so taht We can order a strip of a particular design and strips in any order.. well tahts the theory anyway...were lookign at the economics of using this simple approach as there is less costly progvrammming time rather than lookign to maximise sheet usage every time...

Hopefully will get soemwhere next week... thanks for all the patience..


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Hi Billy,

I was looking at the mask for my fastar compatible C8 and got to thinking.. would it be an idea to do the mask in two halves that overlapped in the centre a bit to secure? that way you could use the mask with the fastar and could remove the mask without disturbing the camera? Possible? it would be such a boon as at f1.9 focus is critical!



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Hi Billy,

I was looking at the mask for my fastar compatible C8 and got to thinking.. would it be an idea to do the mask in two halves that overlapped in the centre a bit to secure? that way you could use the mask with the fastar and could remove the mask without disturbing the camera? Possible? it would be such a boon as at f1.9 focus is critical!




Anything is possible... i'll have a think... the mask could drop into the FCP cell but I would need soem pretty accurate dims for this or it could clip to the outside of the FCP like the existing one could joggle the ovelapping edges to form a joint...

Forget that idea I have a cunning plan and will draw it up when I get home tonight...

So the f10 8" C8 goes to f1.9 with the Hyperstar fitted and has an effective focal length of (if my maths are correct) 386mm ?

Thats going to be a fairly fine slot in I'll pick a something that will give a bit of latitude in the working FL...


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There have been interesting developments today but i can't share them openly yet as i want it signed and sealed before going public ...a few of the testers have had pm's but I can't reply becuase of the 10 pm's per hour limit... hopefully I'll be able to go public with the info the end of the week....

BIlly... (Peter)

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