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New Focusing Aid


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(I really must get the external size of my C11 OTA and ask for a mask for that...)

No probs Steve work out how you want to mount the mask, give me the OD , the Outer diameter of the FCP and the diameter of the central obstruction ... got it down to a few mins drawing them now...

Also let me know what focal length you want the mask to optimised for.. the same design works at f10 and f3.3 but other Focal Ratios ideally need their own masks..

There is some leeway in the maths so it may be possible to get masks to cover a range of focal ratios...


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Thanks Daz,

I'll sort out the fiels the weekend as the weather looks carp :)

I'll keep the old files there as well but will create duplicates with sensible names and then list everything in aa singlr post...is there anyway that the list can stay close to the top of the thread but still be modified as I add new templates over the coming weeks and months?

I'm also planing on doing the first and third order masks and posting both templates and making them universal - loads of rings on the outside of the design so people can pick the most appropriate OD for their chosen fitting method. The first order masks have 3 times the number of slots compared to the third order ones so people will have the option of either a simple or complex one to cut ...

I make the DWG's or DXF's avaialble to people on request if they want to have them made by their local engineering firms - this requires the user supplying their e-mail to me in a pm so i can keep track of whos had what...


Oh and a BIG THANK YOU to George for bringing this to our attention in the first place :undecided:

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HI David,

I would have thought this one would do the ED-80 just cut tot the Outer rings that work with your planned fixing method...


And these two would do an 8" f5 scope... you might have to adjust the OD to suit though.




Thanks again for your help - I've created the mask for the Orion ED-80 tonight and I'll be posting a pic on my website shortly. Now I'm all ready to go when I get my CCD Camera (trying to decide between the Canon 350d (modified) or an Atik 16IC-S...any advice would be welcome bearing in mind I want to spend under £600.

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Hi, I dont want to sway you either way regarding your imaging camera, but you could probably get TWO 350D's for the price.

I have posted some pics taken with my self modded 350D in the deep sky section, you can probably find some taken with the Atik too.

Need any more help, just PM :undecided:


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Hi, I dont want to sway you either way regarding your imaging camera, but you could probably get TWO 350D's for the price.

I have posted some pics taken with my self modded 350D in the deep sky section, you can probably find some taken with the Atik too.

Need any more help, just PM :undecided:


Thanks for that TJ - I'll check out those images then send you a pm - I've now posted my attempt at the mask on my website here http://www.sanddune.info/Pages/News.htm

Thanks again


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Hi Billy

Could you please create a mask for my Celestron C10-N?

OD = 285mm

CO = 58.42 mm

FL = 1200mm

FR= 4.7

Thanks again, really appreciate your help


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Thanks for that!

If the "3rd Order" one works it looks allot easier to make. (what does 3rd order refer too Billy?)

Thanks again


I'll have to admit i dont know...

but the equations give first and 3rd order spacings so i have just carried it over...

The 1st order ones work very well when they are laser cut ... as you they get the neccessary level of precision...

The image in reply #185 of this thread showes the pattern at focus from my laser cut mask for my 8" SCT.


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A big thank you Billy, :salute:

just tried my mask and it works great. :thumbright:

Took a quick picture so I could compare it to your 1st order one

(not quite in focus but was in a bit of a hurry as the dew was starting to cause problems)

I used a thin black plastic folder as suggested earlier in the post and it works really well. :)


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