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MW3 "The Volcano Nebula", M81 & 82 4 panel mosaic - update with more Lum data


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I have added more data and now have 14 hours total integration of Luminance data.

After some deliberation of my calibrated data, I ran a new set of Flats and re-calibrated all of my data.  This gave me a much flatter image in each panel enabling me to better discern background gradients and true IFN, rather than any LP masquerading as background faint IFN.  The additional 600s subs along with an hour for each panel of 300s has also contributed to a stronger SNR.  Merging the mosaic was still a challenge but I am pleased with the next stage.  I've left some room in the histogram to lower the black point in this WIP Luminance version to see the structure and will lower this when I move to finish the project.

I have also gathered a few RGB subs on two panels and would ideally like to gather upwards of an hour of each colour channel per panel.  With my forecast I don't think I will manage this before the moon inteferes in the next few days.  I have some Ha of this area at the same pixel scale so may try to blend in to the red channel of the lower right panel to help with M81 and M82.  There are some delicate fuzzies in the mosaic too - easier seen in this revision.

I have to admit, when I look at the mosaic I don't see a Volcano, more of a palm tree :icon_albino:.

Clear Skies to all - C&Cs always welcome.



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Looking at this type of object is akin to a Rorschach test - wonder what a good shrink would see with you palm tree.  

On topic though this is coming along well and the extra work has balanced out some of those really dark areas well.  Be great to see what the colour does when acquired.

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On 30/04/2017 at 01:23, Barry-Wilson said:


I have to admit, when I look at the mosaic I don't see a Volcano, more of a palm tree :icon_albino:..



Great image. I can agree with the palm tree

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Is it sacrilege to say I'd almost like to see it cropped to remove M81&82? Then the palm tree/angel/windmill would take centre stage.

But blimey, 14 hours of luminosity. I haven't seen 14 hours in the last four months!

It's a lovely image. Really shows how crowded space really is!

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Thank you all.

I have some RGB for each panel now, not enough though, and not likely to collect more for some weeks now with the moon and also disappearing behind a tree.  This project may now be parked for some time . . .

39 minutes ago, Filroden said:

Is it sacrilege to say I'd almost like to see it cropped to remove M81&82? Then the palm tree/angel/windmill would take centre stage.

What an outrageous suggestion, :evil4::crybaby2:, LOL!

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Very nice image.  Clean and balanced  though I'm with Ken--crop out M81/82.  I know they are nice to have for reference, but IMO whenever galaxies are present in IFN images, they are always blown out due to the different brightness between the IFN and galaxies.  Or, you could isolate them with a mask and reduce there brightness I suppose. All PP no doubt.  


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