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Moravian G2-8300 vs QSI 683


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On 11/09/2020 at 21:31, billhinge said:

Wow, thanks, thats a good cost saving plus probably easier to get hold of!

Indeed.  I am going to be controversial.  Based on my experience (which is not a lot I readily concede), I reckon the Baader LRGB are "better" than the Astrodon.  I am convinced that since the "upgrade" to Astrodon LRGB Gen2 E series, my luminance and blue are more bloated than they were with the Baaders.  I need to look into this further, which is not easy under the UK permacloud of recent months.  I am considering placing a UV/IR cut in front of the filter wheel on both my sets of Astrodons.  I am convinced the Astrodon luminance and blue is too permissive and lets through near range IR and UV in L and B and bloats the stars somewhat on my TEC140 and FSQ85.

I i were buying LRGB now I would without hesitation go for the Baader.  I have a set still and they are fabulous.

Edited by kirkster501
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Thanks, I ordered the Baader yesterday, thats my filter collection sorted out but I will have 1 empty slot  in my wheel for something

You maybe right wrt to the Astrodon blue, using the itelescope remote 20" Planewave reflector certainly shows fat stars (I only want the nebula though), itelescope  use Astrodon filters,  expensive scopes and NBG cameras so nothing else to  compare with. However as you say the 5nm NB seem fine to me but what do I   know


Edited by billhinge
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