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Sol HA 1-4-17 ar2645,ar2644, proms


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few ha shots and proms, very cloudy thismorrning so really these at bordering on smash and grab. but the seeing is good today

just a qwick process..

kit ED80, ERF, quark chromo, asi120mc, 50%reducer. about 350 frames each.

thanks for looking, clear skys, charl.

AR2645 No reducer.










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Nice set Charl.  Firstly you clearly have a good Quark and that is more than half the battle.

Glad to see you are using a 0.5x FR, and your scope is a good choice.

I would take a few more frames.  I shoot 500 frames when doing a mosaic just for speed, but for individual pictures I would use about 1,000 frames.

A mono camera would really help, but if it is not within budget then keep on with the colour;

The ASI120 have pixels which are, in my opinion, a little too small so the 0.5x FR really helps get your image scale back to something useful.

I can't see any Newton Rings, so that doesn't look like an issue.

If you decide to do a mosaic, try 12 panes, 3 horizontal and 4 vertical with your 0.5x FR.  That will give you about 30% overlap on each pane.  Process all 12 videos using sharpen only, crop to get the best image without edges and then use a stitcher (I use AutoStitch) to produce a single image, which you then process in the normal way.

Above all enjoy the sun, you have got some great kit now and after that it is just practice and patience finding out what works for your set up.   


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thanks Robin, I was lucky enough to get a 3 week trial with a new Quark so that took a lot of the worry out of it, ive yet  to try a mosaic , ill have to build up to it. I just like how easy thay are to use, I find whitelight much harder. I still do WL first. thanks for the advice, charl.

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