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hi all,

i recently got my first telescoop. with the EQ5 mount and the enhanced dual axis motor drive ( http://www.robtics.nl/product_info.php?cPath=27_35&products_id=5465 )

is there a way to control my telescoop via my laptop instead of using the the basic hand controller.


i googled a bit and found a few things like EQMOD EQDIR  with ASCOM. does this also word with my mount.



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The link you posted says the hand controller can take a ST4 input for autoguiding. So you could connect a suitable guide camera to the hand controller with an ST4 cable. The camera connects to your laptop running PHD2 with a USB cable. PHD2 generates the autoguiding commands and sends them to the camera which then passes them on to the hand controller and mount. So if you are wanting to try astrophotography you can autoguide from a laptop but that's all. You would still need to manually move the scope to your target.

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You don't need go o to do astrophotography. For example the Skywatcher staradventure is used for astrophotography but only had the one motor for the ra axis as I think your eq5 mount currently has. Whilst on the lookout for the upgrade to your mount you are after don't let that stop you starting imaging with what you do have.

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1 hour ago, happy-kat said:

You don't need go o to do astrophotography.

+1 for this. I image using a dual axis motorised Vixen GP mount and I am currently having a lot of success. the only thing that is tricky is finding things, as I have to focus on a bright star using a Bahtinov mask then lock the focuser and try to find my target using a Telrad and 9x50 RACI finder. If you know the sky or can star hop this presents no problems.I would recomend going for the brighter objects first (much easier to find). I will when finances allow upgrade to GOTO but dont let it stop you.

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