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Flaming Star, HH


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Hi Gerry,


I was trying to see it with my Tele Vue NP 101. You know that I see the HH in 90% out of 100% in 10" dob but could not see a thing in 4" refractor. Flame is fine. The HH is deferent story. I think I am pushing my limits to hard. At one point though I thought I was seeing it without filter but cannot confirm it yet. I still will be trying :) . I think you know my approach :icon_biggrin:. It would be nice if you see it under your pristine skies. 

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9 hours ago, Helix said:

Hi Gerry,


I was trying to see it with my Tele Vue NP 101. You know that I see the HH in 90% out of 100% in 10" dob but could not see a thing in 4" refractor. Flame is fine. The HH is deferent story. I think I am pushing my limits to hard. At one point though I thought I was seeing it without filter but cannot confirm it yet. I still will be trying :) . I think you know my approach :icon_biggrin:. It would be nice if you see it under your pristine skies. 

Who will be the first to see it in the refractors Tatyana- you or me? :grin:

I'm betting you ,can't wait for the report.:icon_bounce:

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13 hours ago, jetstream said:

:grin: you have some great one liners Alan! actually I feel the same way about the Cone right now.

The HH will look big in your scope Alan, and bigger again if you use a narrow TFOV eyepiece. Your scope is perfect for this object as the FOV with the great 21E will be narrow enough to keep Alnitak out of the way. To me it looks like a thumbprint out of the grey funnel of IC434 in my 1828fl 15". Some good dark neb practise is up around the NAN and also Aquila which I do regularly now. In reality look for a thumbprint out the straight edge of IC 434, not the dark neb itself.

You will see this object.:thumbsup:


Thanks Gerry, I was always there with the one lines right from my schooldays I could always make people laugh. My first best man who worked with me back then always said I was a great act but was sometimes on too long.

On the HH, I feel I made a grave mistake watching pennies with only buying the 1.25 inch Astonomiks filter, I was aiming for 4mm EP with the 24mm Panoptic, I should have bought the larger one, I know that now. I do have a 2 inch UHC by the same company and an OIII also Astronomiks, both of which would fit the 21mm.

I think the 2 inch filter is a must have for the future but I have never seen one S/H and they are dam expensive new.


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Alan, just as a heads up, my Lumicon 2" Hb is underperforming, the 1.25" Astronomik Hb works very well as do my other Lumicon (UHC/OIII) filters.For the amount I paid for the 2" Hb it should be top tier.... I've heard (but dn't know for sure) that Astronomik has tightened their bandpass and also has the test specs for each new filter, mine is older and was batch tested. An email to them should answer this- they are a VG company.

I always read your posts hoping to catch more of these remarkably funny lines!:grin::thumbsup:


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Calvin, Not mine so far:icon_biggrin:,

I had a half-hearted look for it last night but Orion rises in an area where the town sits (about 4 miles away) and since the wonderful addition of LED's this is not my most favoured area to view anything, other than Sirius. It was very cold though probably a summers day for Gerry at minus 4, the wonderful weather men told us it would be plus 4, their crystal ball was no doubt playing up, how do they get jobs. I am affaid I can only report cold toes and another failure to see HH which I believe now stands for Hiding Horse. Was nice to welcome back Orion though with hopefully better nights to come as it will become better positioned in my sky. When it gets just west of south it is in an area where there is nothing for many miles and sits about 65 degree above my horizon and then a late album Jethro Tull song comes to mind with the title Orion, must dig it out.


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10 hours ago, estwing said:

hope Mapstar chips in...I was looking at his HB filter in Skye and the coating looked terrible....

Even with a dodgy looking filter (I think they are all like that) in Calv's 18" it took about 5 mins to locate it and view.

Again the 13E but the eyepiece doesn't have much to do with it in my opinion. 

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11 hours ago, estwing said:

.....still worked well and showed the HH with ease....does any Hb filter show the HH?

My Astronomik Hb filter showed me HH with my 8". Coatings look good there. it showed me California neb (wiht 80ED) too, looks like a good one to me.

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