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image too big best way to make smaller


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 it basically says that a x33 reducer is ok for very small sensors , on larger format you will suffer from terrible vignetting , after some research people found the .5 reducer could work depending on your scope and sensor size , ideally you should stick to a matched reducer for your scope otherwise you could introduce unwanted artifacts. Other methods of increasing FOV is to use camera lenses instead of a scope or to invest in a shorter focal length scope , in any case the M31 is a very large target and would require a focal length of 300-400 max to get any where close to framing it . Another method would be to create a mosaic  If I am off the mark I am sure someone will correct me HTH  

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What you have discovered is that it takes more than one scope / camera combo to capture all there is to see in the heavens, the ED80 is about middling, as said camera lenses do a good job of wide field and long focal length scopes do a good job of teeny things or close ups of big things.

Bit of a generalisation but you get the idea.


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I've only just started with sgpro so havent used the mosaic yet though it looks very promising. regardless of that,mosaics are the way to go with a small chip. this is 8 panes using false colour. 414ex/80ED/0.8 reducerVeil_HAHA0.jpg


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