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What more do i need ?

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Right folks i have searched the forums for 2 days now ...tons of info, but touch overload for my pea sized brain :happy8:..

So question is what do i really need to have a long term relationship with the stars ?

I have just started out ..this is what i have 

skywatcher 127 GoTo AZ

2 X Barlow lens 

1 x 25mm ep

ostara skyglow moon filter

opticstar PX-35C coolair 

A laptop running windows 10 that will be dedicated to the stars only.

I do have a budget but it can be blown as most budgets are when it comes to a hobby ..

I would like to view and possibly photograph the moon and planets as best as i can ,viewing and through the laptop from the comfort of my shed .

DSO would be nice but i would like to see whats on my doorstep ..


What a fantastic forum ..you all should be proud of what has been created here.. 



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Welcome on board Burnout.  

It's nice to see that you have a pretty structured view of what you want to do, and for lunar and planetary (Jupiter) you have a reasonable start.  The one thing you will probably learn quickly though, as I did and had terribly trouble convincing the boss, is that it's not about NEED, it's about WANT.........and you will want.

Have fun with your new kit :thumbright:

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For visual observing a higher magnification eyepiece might be interesting. The 25mm with a x2 Barlow will give x120. For the Moon and planets, an 8mm eyepiece for example would give x187.

But apart from that, I would play with what you've got. And that's probably the best way to find what you're missing or what could be upgraded.

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The only thing you really need, is to have FUN 

The rest will come in time, once you found out where your real astronomical interest lies.
Go to star parties to get practical information to see what you like or don't like and maybe join a club.

The world of astronomy is astronomical...

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You already have the most important thing, enthusiasm, as  RayD said above, it's not about what you need,

it's about what you wan't, you will learn along the way what you need, but the problem is we all wan't everything

that is out there, lot's of lovely kit, but what you need at the moment is clear sky's, so get out there when the

weather is kind and enjoy what you have, then as the weeks pass, you will know what you "need".

Good Luck and Clear Sky's 

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Your telescope is probably the same as my Mak.  You appear to lack a higher-powered eyepiece. I'd recommend getting a premium quality one ASAP to show off what the scope can do on planets or double stars.  The two I've listed in my signature worked for me. The stock 9mm that came with it didn't.

If you are thinking of viewing from indoors using a camera attached in place of an eyepiece, ask others how well that works.

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Get one of the free planetarium Apps and channel some of your enthusiasm into a bit of a planning session before you freeze to death looking for stuff.  I use SkySafari on IOS which is very comprehensive but there are others around.  Just be aware that through no fault of your own the planets are poorly placed for a few years at our latitudes.  Jupiter next Spring is the last fling of the juicy targets for a while.  Also, I'm sure you are aware that an AZ mount is not ideal for photography when it comes to long exposures..  Its fine for the Moon and if you equip yourself with the CORRECT type of filter, the Sun.  Read the warnings first in the Solar section and take proper advice BEFORE attempting to look at the Sun.

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Skyview is a very nice app as well.  It can use your camera so you are able to see what is around you, with the sky map superinposed on it, which gives a very good notion of what is where. It also shows exactly where you are.

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