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First stab at guiding


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Well, that went fairly smoothly. It took a bit of persuading to get all the kit talking to the computer and then the clouds rolled in (as usual). That's why I only managed to get 3 decent subs. Nevertheless, it was still a WOW moment when the first image popped up on the screen.

Atik on the Explorer, webcam guiding on the ST80 with PHD, 3 x 120s subs stacked in DSS, minor tweak in PS CS2.

Now that I have had a trial run, I will go for longer subs next time.



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Thanks everyone, for your encouragement.

I was getting a little disillusioned with webcam imaging, but now that I have got the 'proper' kit it's a whole new ball game. And I can't believe that the skies are clear again tonight - I must be in someones good books.


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