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IC1396 and The Veil in Ha

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Here's a couple more images from my recent trip down to Cornwall.


IC1396 with a baby Elephant Trunk hanging down from the top, the Garnet Star and several dark nebulae snaking through the frame. 200mm lens at f2.8 on a modded Canon 100D, 53x75 second unguided subs so ~66 minutes in total. I do have a lot more data on this one but unfortunately the framing if off for half of it. Move the camera a bit more than I'd realised when fitting an improvised dew-heater (heat pack in a sock). Pretty happy with the final result though.

(Here's a bonus widefield taken the same night with my 14mm lens, with IC1396 near the centre of the frame, I like showing DSOs in context.)


Finally, here's the Veil complex in Ha.


200mm lens at f2.8 on a modded Canon 100D with 12nm clip-in filter, 36x120 second subs, 72 minutes. Can't do the beautiful filaments of the Veil justice at this short focal length, but for a sketch it's come out well.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

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Glad you like them.

Looking at the IC1396 again this morning I was less happy with it, which is so often the way. Here's a tweaked attempt.


I've altered the star colours a little, reduced the haziness that was creeping in at top-right and top-left and backed off a little on the sharpening of the nebulosity (it's a bit of a compromise, it could do with more data really).

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12 hours ago, StuartJPP said:

IC1396 is a tricky subject and not easy to frame by eye as you can't see much other than the Garnet Star. A good selection of images.

Luckily I was imaging from a dark site so could see the nebula clearly enough on my framing shots, I just forgot to check the framing properly after fumbling about with a sock in the dark. ;) Looking again, I haven't lost as much as I thought, only about 20 minutes or so.

I would like to add more data to this as when I try to bring out the structure of the nebula noise stars to interfere. Trouble is, I've had little success stacking runs from multiple nights in the past for various reasons.

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