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Deep Sky Stacker bias frames problem.

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I've just been trying to stack a series of lights, darks, flats and bias frames in Deep Sky Stacker.  The lights, darks and flats were all taken on the same night.  The bias frames are older, but have been used on many pictures before (with no issues).

However, on this occasion when I ran the whole lot through Deep Sky Stacker the whole left hand side of the resulting image was faded and blurred. A process of elimination narrowed it down to a problem with the bias frames.  I took a fresh set of bias frames, but got exactly the same problem. 

Has anyone any idea what the problem might be?

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Hi Michael

Which camera? I recall someone else had a funny dss problem recently and I think they solved it by reducing the number of stars (they had 1000's) in their lights via the median filter. I think that was using a Fujifilm dslr. The bias frames are normally the shortest exposure you can take and in the dark, of course. Being as you've used your master bias before with no problems, it doesn't seem likely it would suddenly cause you trouble. It might be something to do with dss stacking algorithms.

I just looked up the thread I mentioned

Not sure if there's any relationship to your problem.


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