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North American Nebula - Oct 3 and 5


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With FSQ85 and reducer.  5 Hours and 20 Minutes Integration in 5 mins exposures.  This is straight after pre-prossessing and colour combination. Can't make my mind up if this is the correct way it should look.  A bit red maybe?  I have Ha to add to this but researching how to do that.

Critiques gratefully received.  I'm on a mega learning curve on image processing.


Screen Shot 2016-10-08 at 20.38.56.png

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Looking good Steve. I love the nice tight stars the FSQ85 has captured. I find too many NGC7000 are over processed with a deep red hue. Yes try pixinsight's scnr and bring out the salmon pink this nebula craves.




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Nothing wrong with your data, very tight stars and well defined nebulosity. It's just the colour that looses you points, which no doubt you'll sort in due course. I look forward to the end result and to the solutions for your problem as I'll be walking this way shortly. :) 

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Hi Steve

It looks pretty good.  As others have said it is in sharp focus, and the stars look reasonably tight.  Your data is almost certainly A1.  In Photoshop the colour channels are not aligned, which is why it has the colour cast.  What software are you using?  And is this RGB or LRGB?   


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I agree with Steve, superb data but perhaps you can balance the processing to make the most of what you have, without overdoing it. Looks like you have plenty of scope with the data so i'm looking forward to seeing this one evolve. 

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10 hours ago, kirkster501 said:

Thanks I'll check into that.  This was my first colour combine and I am confused as to what to do with it.  Thanks for the suggestion Neil.  I am all "computered-out" now so will look into it more tomorrow!

I'm very new to LRGB processing and finding my round it.
This what I started with in PI, no thrills but this gets a relatively quick image, the bells and whistles can come later, after mastering this.

BTW....North American is a pinkish/magenta with a lot overlaid with fine blue.
These colours come from the various mixes of the emission lines, H alpha, H beta and H gamma with possibly O III in the mix at times as well.
Blue can also come from Rayleigh scattering, light blue are particles just smaller than visible light and deep blue are particles a lot smaller than visible light.

Part 1

Part 2


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28 minutes ago, wxsatuser said:

I don't want to hog this thread but I had no idea how to do this CCD RGB stuff, coming from DSLR these two vids got me going.
Still don't know half what PI does but the journey is very interesting. :icon_biggrin:

Mate i'm scared to death of PI lol, but i'll get round to that super steep learning curve soon....groan - I've still yet to figure PS out lol. The videos are good and as the OP said "i'm on a mega learning curve" I'm sure the they will be of some use for the him  :) 

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