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Bi-Color Veil Widefield HA OIII


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I had a chance to gather some OIII data for the veil i started in HA the other night.  Stars still aren't perfect but i am not super concerned with that at the moment.  Have some issues to work out on the mount.  So this image was processed in Pixinsight and finalized in Photoshop.  I processed each separately and them combined them with LGRB Combination, 50% HA and 50% OIII as a LUM, HA as Red and OIII as BLUE and Green..   The only thing i did in Photoshop was contrast, saturation, and a small sharpen on the outside edges of a few things.  Hope you enjoy!


17x600s HA

19x600s OIII

Veil Bicolor PI PS.png

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Yea the background is just a tad blue now that i see it on my work monitor.  I had processed this on my laptop at home which always has things a bit different.  I think when i added saturation in photoshop i forgot to mask the stars so they turned super blue.  Not all of them though some are still yellowish/orange.  I keep finding with narrowband that the stars have a very odd color anyways unless i wanted to add RGB to make normal star colors.  

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3 hours ago, Rudeviewer said:

Yea the background is just a tad blue now that i see it on my work monitor.  I had processed this on my laptop at home which always has things a bit different.  I think when i added saturation in photoshop i forgot to mask the stars so they turned super blue.  Not all of them though some are still yellowish/orange.  I keep finding with narrowband that the stars have a very odd color anyways unless i wanted to add RGB to make normal star colors.  

you're too hard on yourself.. it's an awesome photo.

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