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M31 HA/Oll/Sll to R/G/B

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Still trying  but its like hard work still and working without any paint programs , So I have to work out how to use a paint program  to get any good.

M31 in HA /0lll/ sll move over to RGB and all done in nubulosity4, forgot to do a bad pix map and it shows opss  , hopeing to add more sub some when so it only a test. ha is 3x900s /0lll  2x900s / sll 1x900s had to bin about the same .

there is colour in my image at last so I am geting some were.

new tueday night.jpg

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I agree with the above comments - M31 isn't a good NB target. There are some amazing targets over the autumn and winter. 

Also it looks like at least one of your layers need significant anti clockwise rotation.


I started a project (embarrassingly 5 years ago) that I never got very far with, it listed the M and NGC numbers with a indication of Ha, OIII and SII results. 

http://www.emberson.org/narrow-band-project/nb-project-ngc/ - lists a couple of nice targets for Autumn

I only managed data on one target in the M catalogue - http://www.emberson.org/narrow-band-project/nb-project-messier/m1/ 

Looking back my attempts are actually poor - but you get the idea. The Bubble Nebula is also another nice target for the Autumn. 


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This is what I like about stargaze lounge honesty between members, I had problems with nebulosity4 not finding satellite trials in 0lll Data to which I done a post on but eventually the third-party program work it out, The last post from Ant I didn't realise this misalignment again this was down to nebulosity auto stacking and when it only have to do two sub . Problem in the last 2 weeks  with the mount so the camera angle was not the same. Maybe the only one to blame is me not checking so another big lesson learned .

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Stick both frames in DSS and stack them - it should produce some aligned TIFFs. These will be rotated (but not scaled) to match. 

You can then re-combine in PS or PSP - or maybe nebulosity (although I've never used that). 


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17 hours ago, Scott said:

fromwhat I know (very little) galaxies are not good narrowband targets, save a little ha 

yes, their are some H-a regions in M31 that I am surprised have not shown up in his image, or at least I cant pick them out. 

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It started out with this one with a satelite line and I think it had 2x120 lum in this one so I started again without the 0llll  and lum subs and its just gone down hill from this point on.

Yes I try DSS today and it do work ok  so I have two ways  of sorting this one out. I was not ever going to put this image in  but it do show by just removeing 3 subs how much time can be lost by not checking all data again.


jp new m32.jpg

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