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Chances to observe.


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I think the weather is one of those things that you've got to accept and work with. Things can only get better .Forecasts have been wildly out. Still it's been a poor show so far this year , with useful sessions recorded,




2016.....64 up to present.

Make the most of clear skies and make what you can of forecasts,


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I got out tonight with the binoculars on some nice easy clusters and such around Cassiopeia.  Forecast was for occasional rain and then cloud coming in by midnight so I didn't get the scope out, so far it's been beautifully clear and now the forecast has changed to zero cloud all night.  Oh well, call me a defeatist but I can't be bothered now, at least I got my binocular targets. :p

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Thats an interesting analysis Nick.

I've not kept a record but I have to say that 2016 has not felt a productive year for observing, so far at least.

Hopefully the year will redeem itself a bit over it's last quarter and on into 2017.



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Thanks for the post and helping to get things in perspective. In Alicante we have 320 clear days per year but still we complain; the seeing, the haze, the heat, the humidity, sodium vapor lamps, mosquitos... Anything will do. I'm gonna translate the thread and show these delicate astro guys down here!

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