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Annals of the Deep Sky - UK availability?


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I had hoped to get my hands on the 3 published volumes of Annals of the Deep Sky later this year, as it seems that it is being very well received.  However the only UK retailer I've found who advertises it is SCS Astro who, of course, are in the process of shutting up shop.  Does anyone know any other sources in the UK, or have people been buying direct from the US.  Amazon unhelpfully offers me only a used copy of volume 2 for just shy of £250 - which suggests there's not a liquid market in Blighty.



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At one time FLO were considering selling these publishers books I believe.... Certainly with SCS no longer around there's a gap in the market as there's no UK retailers selling the books. Perhaps drop FLO a line and see if they are indeed looking into this.

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34 minutes ago, obrazell said:

The Webb society will have them all for sale along with other WB books at IAS. We do not yet have them on our web site





Thanks Owen.  I think there would be a very warm reception to them being on the website when that becomes possible (nudge nudge @jkwhinfrey!!).

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11 minutes ago, jkwhinfrey said:

Mmm it's not impossible ;) 

Actually we have a lot of publications that are not on the Webb Society website at the moment, something we're working on fixing very soon. In the meantime there's always IAS...


Hi James,

Is it possible to buy these books by emailing the society through your website? I am unlikely to be able to get to the IAS but am very interested in buying a set of these books.


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25 minutes ago, DRT said:

Hi James,

Is it possible to buy these books by emailing the society through your website? I am unlikely to be able to get to the IAS but am very interested in buying a set of these books.


Ditto, although not yet given up on IAS...

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After IAS then we will see what stock we have and yes you will then be able to order from the treasurer Steve  Rayner. I would assume we will be ordering again from WB by the end of the year if Annals 4 comes out. Thanks to brexit and the collapse of the pound  then we have to be careful as to how we order and what stock we carry.



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