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Panaview query


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To be honest (and I am a mainly refeactor user), I doubt the Panaview would be any better. I had the 32mm and it was ok at F10-F12 but at F6 it would get messy at the edges I think.

Better if you can to save for a used ES 34mm (or the Maxvision version which is optically the same) and are much better in my opinion:-)


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My personal view is that the 33 SWAN and the 32 Panaview and a number of other SWA eyepieces are of very simillar if not itentical optical layout and quality. Their performance strengths and weaknesses certainly seem to be very closely matched.

The Aero ED range (Skywatcher) do offer a small step up in the quality of correction in faster scopes but they still have some edge of field issues at F/6, just that they start a little further out.

Dave's suggestion of ES and Maxvision is worth considering as these are a larger step up in terms of correction and will get close to Tele Vue levels at F/6.


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If you do get the 34mm Explore Scientific 68° Maxvision Eyepiece, you can significantly lighten it by decloaking it.  I have the 40mm version, and it is sharp to the edge at f6.

FYI, you're probably seeing astigmatism around the edges rather than coma.  Try racking the focuser through best focus and watch to see if the stars at the edges change into bloated lines that change direction by 90 degrees on either side of best focus.  If so, that's astigmatism.  Also check to see if the edges focus with the center.  If not, you're fighting curvature of field as well.  With the Maxvision, you're likely to see actual coma from your primary which will drive you to buy a coma corrector (I know I did :wink:).

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...........I can't recall if the edge is bad on my 32mm Panaview f/6 scope, to be honest, none of my EPs have ever bothered me to that extent, because I track smoothly on axis, rather than letting everything drift across my field of view! but it was purchased simply to encompass M31 and its still not wide enough! and when observing the small  Moon  floating in a sea of Space, just magic!

It may be some time before I get a chance to retest the Panaview, but its  become my low powered eyepiece of choice  on recommendation  by @rwilkey.

When I do get a chance I`ll maybe try the method described above to check my astigmatism? I'm considering the use of my prescriptions this Year, or possibly a Dioptrx adaptor that TeleVue provide, but that may limit viewing to just the one eye depending on the dioptre?

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