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I do not under stand why, when I am out side at night and using red cover over laptop after a hour or so all white lights take on a green look, but as for your fireball I see one last year and send in a report hopeing someone my had got it on a sky cam as there is lots of them on and thay may had seen it. once seen you never for it , I can still see it in my head when I think about it.

So nice one Louise in coming apart of the Fireball club.:hello:

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14 hours ago, Starlight 1 said:

...................................... as for your fireball I see one last year ...................... once seen you never for it , I can still see it in my head when I think about it.

So nice one Louise in coming apart of the Fireball club.:hello:

I agree, " once seen, you never forget it ".  I can still see it in my mind also, its what got me started in Astronomy.

I remember how slow the fireball seemed to travel across the sky.  It was early in the evening back in 1965, and I was washing out my Dad's cement mixer when I happened to look up in the right direction. I must have caught it right at the moment it entered the atmosphere, and it grew from nothing to what looked like the size of a tennis ball as it passed by from east to west. The funny thing is, I remember it disappeared while passing over the Griffith Park Observatory off in the distance. Many evenings after that I would sit out on the hillside with my Dads binoculars waiting for another to appear, to no avail.  Later in the year I got my first telescope which was a little refractor  :wub:  from Sears that was obviously a return, it was missing a couple of parts but my Dad had it working in no time; and that's the rest of the story.

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This thread has brought back memories. I've only ever seen one. It seemed so close. I couldn't believe the size of the thing. L8-nite's description is spot on. Hope that I see another one day.

Not many normal people (non Astro dudes) have seen one. 



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Thanks for the comments! :) I think I was really lucky - I was actually sitting in the dark watching tv and saw it through my living room window. I'd previously seen a couple of ordinary shooting stars through a gap in the clouds on one of the nights the Perseids were due to peak. But this green fireball was something else! Made me quite excited!


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