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Thoughts on which imaging rigs to concentrate on


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Couldn't find the 28mm lens so I set up the 105mm lens rig ready for imaging, took it out to the observatory, attached it to the mount and connected the various cables.  While out there I found the 28mm lens on the warm room bench :D  Anyway, I have the 105mm f2.8 lens all setup and roughly focused ready for imaging whenever we get some clear night sky. 

Not that I'm expecting it to be clear tonight but it's been a nice sunny day and relatively mild so I've been doing outside jobs, including running my CAT6 outdoor cable to the observatory properly.  Bored a hole through the east facing window frame in the living room and likewise in the wooden wall of the observatory.  Cable supported in the middle on a fence stake hammered into the ground so that it's out of goat reach.

Edited by Gina
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Yes indeed :)  I moved over into Monoceros to include the Rosette Nebula - couldn't see anything interesting the other side.

The only disadvantage of the 28mm lens if the smaller aperture of f3.5 but it did alright in Cygnus :D

Edited by Gina
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I also have an 18mm lens though a zoom so probably not as high quality but at least is supposed to be f3.5 at that zoom.  I'm planning to try it eventually.

Orion with 18mm lens 01.png

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I think within a degree or two of horizontal.  I think the far hill to the east may be a bit higher than here.  Just done a triangulation from indoors.  Line of sight from bottom of east window to top of trees on far hill is 6" in 170" above horizontal.  Tan A = 0.035 giving A = 2 degrees.  There are no towns in that direction for many miles.

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Have the 28mm lens all set up and focused ready for any clear sky that might occur.  Focused on tree on far hill with the top of the tree centred in the frame.  CdC says the elevation is 53m so even less than a degree above horizontal.

Tree 01.pngCapture_0001.png

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Fingers crossed for tonight :D  I've brought the imaging rig indoors and given it a good going over with my rocket blower - there was quite a lot of dust on the filters - now there's a lot less.  I also added the Astrodon 5nm Ha filter into the last free hole.  So I now have Ha5, Ha3, OIII3, SII3 and Luminance IR/UV cut, in positions 5 1 2 3 4 :D

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Focused on the far tree and also moved up into the sky to see what dust bunnies appear - just a few faint ones so vastly better than last time (see image above).


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I've captured 50 or 60 odd subs in Ha 3nm and now capturing in Ha 5nm.

Here are 2 subs, one 3nm and one 5nm captured one after the other with just a few seconds (to change filter) in between, displayed side by side in PixInsight.  The Ha 5nm filter is labelled "R" (that was where the Red filter was when I did RGB).  Most odf the DSOs look the same in both except the Angelfish which looks a little brighter in 5nm so maybe that has significant NII.  Otherwise the main difference is in the stars.

Orion 3nm and 5nm Ha 01.png

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It's quite amazing how much more light is being passed in just 2nm. Those stars are much bigger in the 5nm.

I think it will be hard to tell the differences from single subs. Like S, I don't think N will be very prominent compared to Ha, so you might not see much until they are integrated and differenced (and stars removed). But I suspect N will be more common in planetary nebula so widefield maybe not the best way to test this?

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I agree - on both points :)  The Rosette Nebula near the top of the frame is supposed to have lots of NII yet doesn't show it in these subs.  There are so many things I want to image that choosing is rather difficult :D

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No sign or the Eridanus Loop so I've gone back to Orion.  Finishing off the Ha 3nm subs - to reach 100 and then I'll probably go over to OIII.  Doubt there'll be enough time to take anything else on Orion before it slips below the horizon.

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