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Afternoon Moon 9-8-16 15.30


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you know i am completely helpless when it comes to daytime moons. 70 frames staxed with regi and adjusted in photoshop and topaz. kit- 120mm f5 fac. 2xed barlow, 1200d in 1:1 crop mode, seeing wasnt too bad when i got a gap in the cloud. thanks for looking and i hope you all have clear sky . charl.


afternoon moon 9-8-16 15.30.png


afternoon moon 9-8-16 15.30 mono.png

and a crazy looking invert-

afternoon moon 9-8-16 15.30 invert.png

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30 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

you know i am completely helpless when it comes to daytime moons.

Me too, Charl. Can't put my finger on why - but they always fascinate me.

Great images.

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Hi Charl, glad to see you are bagging the moon as well as the sun :happy11: I've started using the Proplanet 742 filter, which only passes light from the IR end of the spectrum. It's fantastic for daytime lunar imaging, turning a blue sky to a dark grey, though you need a decent aperture to cope with the loss of light, I'd say 8" +



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thanks Iain, i have a ir filter mate, i dont use it with day shots as it makes them drab looking, you see for me a daytime moon should look like what you see when looking up, nice and blue just with more detail than just looking with your eyes, you see we see it in colour and to lose the colour or make it a drab gray just dont seam right to me mate, that why i allways do a mono just for the guys who dont like the blue. thanks for the advice mate. charl.

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