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Strange motes in white light view


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I had my Lunt in tandem with my white light  set up and noticed something strange that was only apparent in the white light view and with various EPs. 

I do have floaters but this was not the same - tiny motes, like little white specks, were moving through my vision. They always moved upwards though and were apparent against the dark background but hard to say if they also moved across the sun disc. 

Although I had to stop myself following them it didn't cause me too much distraction, almost like a satellite moving through your vision on a dark night, except for the consistent upward direction of travel, you can follow it or ignore it.

I may try and take some images and capture if no one has any answers.

Curious to know if it is just my eyes or something others have experienced. 

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I think I know what you are talking about although I only see them now and again. I think you are seeing pockets or air or at least that is what I have put it down to when I see them float through the view. I have meant to post a thread asking if others have seen them while observing in white light. I think of them more like orbs though than white specks so forgive me if I am going on about something totally different.


P.S I have floaters and they definitely aren't them I see.

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16 hours ago, spaceboy said:

I think I know what you are talking about although I only see them now and again. I think you are seeing pockets or air or at least that is what I have put it down to when I see them float through the view. I have meant to post a thread asking if others have seen them while observing in white light. I think of them more like orbs though than white specks so forgive me if I am going on about something totally different.


P.S I have floaters and they definitely aren't them I see.

We might be talking about the same thing. 

I will have a look next time I get the opportunity as I didn't want to spend too much of my limited viewing time at the weekend! I am curious now to find out if I have bubbly eyes ??

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7 hours ago, Moonshane said:

An image would obviously rule out floaters if present.

I considered it at the time but as I was viewing with limited time I didn't want to waste it getting my imaging stuff together. Was hoping to tap into the knowledge base on SGL ???

Next time I'll check and if they are still there I will test with my partner first - see if in the eye and if not then I'll try and image. 

I suspect it is probably in my eyes but hadn't ever noticed it before in white light viewing - maybe it isn't always apparent. 

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