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Moon mosaic

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Finally got round to using ICE for the first time on this 2 pane mosaic of the full moon from several weeks ago with my Mak and Canon 1100D. Was pretty easy to do and I'm really impressed how ICE does it all automatically. A little blurred but hey, user error... ?


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1 hour ago, Atreta said:

nice mosaic.  did you try to use registax 6 wavelets after you made it ?  it may help extracting more details. 

Nope. Good idea. I'll try that although when I've used wavelets before it really made the image look over processed so I may have to try a lighter touch!! ?

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One more go. I like this because it looks like it really shows the blackness of what the moon is really like - although I don't like the edges that make it look processed - which it is after all - lol ?


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