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Milky Way - Work in Progress

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Good evening,

After almost two months of misery with only a couple of clear-ish skies around the last full moon, I had a chance tonight to continue a project I started earlier this year. Today, I took the 8th panel of a mosaic of the milky way. Due to the rain we had over the last few weeks dew cut my efforts short to 12 images of 3 minutes each (50mm f/1.8 stepped down to f3.2; ISO400). This panel shows some of the more interesting parts with the Cat's Paw Nebula right in the center.

panel 8C.jpg

To give you an idea where I'm going with this, here is the preliminary mosaic so far (reduced to 5% - full size >170MB).

Milky way - 8 panels - 5 percent.jpg

Once I've got all my panels together it will require some serious re-processing - The right hand part is too purple and the left hand part lacks contrast...

But since it is my first mosaic I am quite happy how it is moving along. If only I could get some more clear nights!

Clear skies and thanks for looking.


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21 hours ago, John Baker said:

Great results with a very modest lens, good luck with your project

Thanks! It might be a cheap lens (someone in a Pentax forum referred to it as "plastic fantastic") but it gives really nice results. At f/3.2 I get pinpoint stars corner to corner and I can't ask for anything else.

16 hours ago, lux eterna said:

That is impressing, I look forward to seeing the finished image.

Thank you too. The way I go with the weather, the final result might be another year away :(

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