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My latest trip into space


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Hello (:

I wish to shortly share my last observation including few sketches I did. These drawings are now engraved into my memory. They might be simple to a professional but, it was a moment of true happiness, in the middle of this calm wheat field. The temperature was about 22 degrees, 75% RH in the first hour but the humidity was blown away by light winds after.

Those are the items I looked at in this 3.5 hours trip using my 203 x 1000 Newton tube.

#1. Hercule Great Cluster: Directly on the zenith, it was totally magnificent, there were A LOT of beautiful stars to see because of the high position, especially with my left eye which give me more resolution. (X-cel LX 25mm 40x, 18mm 55x)

#2. Veil Nebula: The drawing bellow might come straight from my imagination... I was definitely pointing the nebula but it was impossible to see much even with a OIII filter. Also, I can't identify the stars pattern (from my drawing) on Stellarium.. so .. :p maybe there was not nebulosity at all. (X-cel LX 25mm 40x + OIII)

Although: --> drawing the stars provided me a great deal of satisfaction. (And my first publication of a star field sketch) :hello2:
(The suggestion to look at Veil came from John and Cygnus from Dave in Vermont, great spot thanks to you)

#3. Draco's head: I went on a trip there to watch the main stars. Rastaban and Etamin, 2 nice orange stars, one more then the other, and I had my first sight at "Nu" the double star (also in the head). I was impressed again and drew another sketch of it. (X-cel LX 18mm 55x)

2 lovely white/bluish stars.

#5. T "dra" a red carbon star but I could not find it (X-cel LX 25mm 40x) 

#4. Finally the moon came and monopolize the sky so I had to look at the terminal line (or terminator line?), the view was great at 212x and crystal clear at 111x, great seeing yesterday (((:

This is a small sketch of the crater "Kent", close to Theophilus, the site was interesting enough to work on a sketch. (ES 4.7mm 212x)

I hope this review is going to remind great memories from great observations!


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Lovely sketches N3ptune, sounds like you had a very pleasant evening.

Perhaps the sky was just not dark enough for the Veil? Although the Eastern Veil is brighter, if you try centring on 52 Cygni that is the easiest way as you pick up the Western Veil (Witch's Broom) which runs right through it. Centre the star then is averted vision and you should see the brightest parts jump out at you as a thin, slightly curving line of bright nebulosity. You can then get orientated and pan across to the Eastern Veil.

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Thanks for all your nice comments (:

19 hours ago, Stu said:

Perhaps the sky was just not dark enough for the Veil?

It must be that, the constellation was above on the city light dome, i don't see what else it can be.

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On 7/25/2016 at 01:09, N3ptune said:

#5. T "dra" a red carbon star but I could not find it (X-cel LX 25mm 40x) 

Beautiful sketches!  Reports on the AAVSO site indicate that T Dra is about mag 11.4 these days. Not strange that it is hard to find, specially in a light polluted sky. Good luck next time!

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Thanks again it was a pleasure to watch these objects ((:

Astro Imp, I like your avatar, an Imp, they gave almost no money and experience in in final fantasy I (Except the one on the bottom right of the map, they were stronger)



What a great great game FF1 was.

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