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SDO action from today 18/07/16


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My full disc was ruined, I thought the focus was off and I was right. I need to work out something better than a towel for hiding under in the bright sunshine!!

Anyhoo, in the absence of my own data to process for a full disc I played with this image from SDO today.


Pseudo colour



Overcooked the full disc to show off all the faculae and really show off all the action.

Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.  

2016_07_18__18_11_09_50__SDO_HMI_HMI_continuum.png2016_07_18__18_11_09_50__SDO_HMI_HMI_continuum close up.png 

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Focusing is tricky especially when the seeing is bad, you really need an electric focuser so you can hide in the dark and focus without touching the mount.

I have one on the Lunt but still not got round to fitting one on the Tecnosky due to the curved focuser body.

I have box made of black plastic floor protector to put the laptop in and an extension hood that sticks out about another foot from that, it also helps if you wear something black if using a laptop to cut down your reflection in the screen.


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