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NEQ6 Dead?


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Hi, its been a while since i have been involved in anything astrophotography. Probably about 6 months since i last done any imaging. Mainly due to no time but also because my mount died. One night it just wouldnt power up - the red light wouldnt turn on and no sound of the gears moving to signal any sign of life. So i went through the trouble of ordering a new motherboard as i thought that could be the only problem. I only just got around to installing it last night and was gutted to find it made no difference! So does anybody have any other ideas why the mount is lifeless?


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Thanks for the reply guys. I am powering from the mains. The NEQ6 plug itself has a red light on it so it cant be the fuse as far as i understand? The wires inside the mount also look fine, im stumped!


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If you have a multimeter, check the voltage at the plug that attaches to your mount.

If that is low or zero then, maybe there is a problem in the cable/soldering?

If the voltage is ok (~12V) then there could be a problem in the contact between the power lead and the mount.

Hope you nail the problem.


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if possible check the back of the jack plug socket on the mount, as they can be a bit dodgy...just a thought, as if you can see where the power stops it will eliminate a few things, follow the power.....


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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I think i have a multimeter somewhere, i will try and dig it out and check tomorrow night along with everything else suggested. Dont think i will opt for the power pack until i have no other option. The mount has always ran fine off the main though, dont know why it would all of a sudden be a problem?


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