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A bit of a floral galaxy....M63


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Hello all,

Not posted anything for a while due to having a few other things in life to do so apologies if I've missed a few gems on the site :lol:

This was a bit of a struggle...it took about a month to get the subs....most of May and a little of June, due to our wonderful weather.

I was sick of looking at it by the time I'd done :)

When I had my first bash at processing it, to be honest the way it was coming out, I didn't think it had been worth the struggle so I put it away for June and came back to it fresh tonight.

I'm a bit happier with it now....you can get too wrapped up in something and only see imperfection sometimes!

I'm not quite sure how many subs eventually got used, but in total I had 11hrs 48 minutes of data and I reckon there's probably 9 hours or so in this.

RGB subs were all 6 minutes each, binned 2x2. Luminance was a combination of 10 minute, 6 minute and 4 minute subs.

Scope was my 14 inch LX200GPS, Atik 16 HRC camera, Astronomik filters, guided with a Tal 100R, Meade DSI pro and PHD.

Captured with Maxim and processed with Photoshop CS2.

First image is reduced for web viewing, the second is full size.

Hope you like it :lol:



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Well done Rob for sticking at it, you've come up with a superb image there. I started something similar with M51 but gave up after a series of dodgy nights. Well done for your persistence.

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OMG!!! :shock: :shock: That's a stunning result and shows a heap of dedication - over 9 hours of exposure used is just staggering - well done. There's obviously a huge amount of work gone into that image and you must be very happy with the result!


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