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Quark or PST Mod

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I'd go with a PST mod personally. I have been lucky enough to look through a PST TAL mod on a fine day and the views are stunning. Quarks seem to offer up superb images but there has been many QC issues and the x4.3 barlowing factor of a quark has to be taken in to consideration.

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Isn't the 120ED a bit fast to get the best out of a PST mod? The scope should be f10 or slower to avoid vignetting due to the etalon field stop (I think that's right anyway)

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Yes, Stu is correct, a PST mod requires a F10 focal ratio to benefit from the full aperture of the donor telescope. The PST etalon unit can be reconfigured to work at faster focal ratios but this involves removing the positive and negative lenses that sandwich the etalon and replacing them with ones of a different prescription. Not for the inexperienced!

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Bear in mind for a pst mod you need to place the etalon at 200mm inside focus point. This generally necessitates cutting a substantial part of this off the (donor scppe) tube. I'd find a 90-100mm f10 donor scope if I were you.

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